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Friday, November 4, 2011


I have been so busy trying to get items done for the booth as well as filling orders. I'm almost caught up with my orders. I have two more to finish this weekend then back to Christmas creating. This is what my dining room looks like. I never said I was organized. :)

My big stack of coffee stained special orders.

I think this special order came out too cute!!!

Stockings and geese basically done... Though I have a special order on the geese for some in white, black, and coffee stained on these that I need to make this weekend.

My gingerbread guys who still need scarves... I'm still debating on seed bead eyes and buttons or I've used whole cloves too...

Some of you know I have been experimenting with walnut hull (I bought the almost powdered walnut hulls from a lady on Facebook) stain vs. coffee. The above candy canes were done with walnut. The white is more gray, which is hard to see in the picture. Not exactly the look I wanted. However, I used the walnut stain on my osnaburg stockings and the color was awesome. Walnut doesn't make the fabric stiff like coffee can sometimes. No odor with the walnut. I actually like the coffee stain smell myself. I used gloves with the walnut because I've heard it stains. Coffee stain stains my hands too. So, I guess I've come to the conclusion that either one does the job. I guess it depends on the look you are after to what you use. I will be redying my candy canes later.

I'm going back to the OB/Gyn today. The doctor I hate the worst!!! uggghhh... He drew a Vitamin D level on me and the nurse who called said it was extremely low and the doctor wanted me to come in and talk with him. Great, yet another copay to "talk" with the doctor. Then back home to craft up a storm. I really would like to do some one of a kind creations this year. I have so many ideas it's just getting them all done. I could make Christmas stuff all year. :) I've also been asked by some Facebook friends to please make a pattern for my stockings and apron/bonnet sets. I need to find time for that too. I sound like I'm stressed, but really I'm not. I LOVE creating and sharing with all of you. Many of you are on really tight budgets like me and you just can't afford to buy the prims you really want. That's why I try to keep my prices down and create patterns when I can so we all can have the pretties we see. I don't outwardly advertise my goodies for sale, so if you see something you are interested in give me a holler and I'll email you prices. I don't want this to turn into a blog where all you see is stuff for sale and I gloat about how much I've sold. So if it does seem to be getting that way PLEASE tell me. I have pretty big shoulders and can take the criticism. Or if there is anything you want me to post about email me and tell me or ask me. I want this to be interactive.

OH, for those of you who commented on my last post about why pictures were taken like that a few very knowledgeable people posted answers. Make sure you check and see the reasons. I rely on you out there in blogland to help me out so thank you.

Until next time my friends hugs to all of you for visiting me.


  1. I love your creations. My favorite today is the gingerbreads! I have a "thing" for them. :) Today I am going to make a stocking, I have never done one before. (Just a plain prim looking one.)

    Vitamin D? Isn't that something we can get from the sun? I hate to think your Dr is bringing you in for the money. :( But sadly it wouldn't surprise me. Greed is everywhere.

    Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Mary, Sure can tell you have been busy with lots of crafting. Hey you can't find my dining room table either when I am crafting, in fact you can't find most of my house, gets everywhere. Love the stockings and the bonnet, really nicely done. Have fun, hope everything is alright at the doctors. Take care, Vicky

  3. My but you've been busy! I've aways like the whole cloves for gingerbread men eyes : ) Please send a little of your crafting motivation down here ... I could use it! Blessings, Shirlee

  4. I LOVE seeing pictures of what others are making and I am like you and rely on my blogger friends for ideas. I bought a pattern to make the Bonnets but do not like the way the ties are. They are just like a skinny thread when finished plus I want the back of the bonnet to hang down more so I am looking for help with that too. I wanted to make more for the show I am going to be in on the 12th so I guess I better get busy huh? I don't think your blog is to much selling and a lot of us would like to have patterns for what others make. Keep up the good work with your posts..I always enjoy reading them, Take a peek in my blog when you have a chance :)

  5. I like the things you show on your blog, keep up the great ideas. Hope all goes well with the Dr. visit, no fun at all in those. Have a great weekend!

  6. Mary, everything looks great. Love the bonnet! Have a happy day!

  7. I love the geese. They look so perfectly prim sitting on top of the stockings. I know it's just a pile but they look good next to red. Anyway, looks like you are extremely busy with orders. Good Luck. -Steph-

  8. Looks like piles and bunches of good stuff to me Miss Mary...Actually - I don't think you "advertise" that your goods are available enough....I often see things of yours I love, but then think, but they're for an order, or for your booth - they're not "for sale." I don't like being too forward in asking if someone is willing to sell their hand-did's - so "reminders" are welcome in my view. Have a great weekend - good luck with the dr....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. You are always getting into something! LOL! I like everything. I have made one ginger~ he turned out alright. I like them too. Love the bonnet.
    I went out and bought a VERY friendly book on cross stitch, SO I hope I can finally attempt your pattern! I don't understand HOW they determine the type of Aida to use? This book it is all done on 11 count Aida. I must be just dumb, it doesn't make sense.
    Have a good day, I have to work.

  10. Your so sweet to offer patterns. I purchased a bonett pattern some time back. Oh how I hate it. Your look lovely. I am glad you mentioned the walnut stain. I was going to gather some black walnuts & boil them outside to get the stain. Think not now because you mentioned there is no scent. I love having the smell with coffe stain. You saved me some time. Vit D levels make me think that could add to bone & joint pain. Wondering if Dr. will advise a Vit D tablet & extra milk & cheese intake. I have Fibro & eat very little to no milk or cheese. My OB/GYN advised calcium tablets daily. Good luck & prayer lifted. Blessings!
    Thanks for the suggestion on my wall.

  11. Your handmades are adorable, Mary; keep up the good work!

    As for Vitamin D, every time I have blood drawn they tell me my Vitamin D level is dangerously low; then they put me on a mega-D supplement for a week to bring it back up (my doc told me it's pretty common). I need to remember to take a Vitamin D supplement daily but I always forget.



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