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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fat Friday Recipe on Sunday

On my word!!!! Have I ever told you how much I LOVE Pinterest!!!!! Well in case I haven't I do. LOL.  I have been "pinning" some really awesome looking recipes.  I'm trying to make a new recipe each week.  I get so tired of the same things over and over.  As I've said before, my recipes are not for those on a diet!!!!  I think I deserve these after the kind of week I've had.  Anyway, this is the newest recipe I've made...

Peanut Butter Rice Krispies Treats

I can't get a good picture of what it actually looks like inside so when you go look at the recipe you'll see how yummy they really are.

So HERE is the recipe. 

One thing I'm not good at is melting chocolate.  I can never do it right when I use a microwave.  It never melts.  It just clumps together and gets hot.  I don't know why other than I'm cursed. LOL.  So, when you make these the top is not suppose to look like mine in the top picture.  I just didn't care and just clumped the chocolate in there and spread it around.  Let me tell you it didn't effect the taste one bit. :-) 

I'm set for the rest of the week for my sweets.  Here I thought I was going to have to make cookies. LOL.


  1. It looks yummy Mary.Can't go to far wrong with chocolate and peanut butter mixed together.Have a great week.Jen

  2. this looks delicious. I will have to try it.
    I know exactly how you feel about Pinterest. It is like having every magazine you can imagine at your fingertips. It is just wonderful and terribly addicting.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. OMG! My husband made peanut butter ricecrispy balls dipped in chocolate the other week!
    They were h-e-a-v-e-n-l-y~~

  4. Hi, That looks so yummy! Pinterest is crazy full of delicous looking recipes. I have bookmarked a bunch and maybe someday I will actually make them. lol

  5. It looks yummy! I love Pinterest, too and have been trying some new recipes. So many choices and the pictures are wonderful!


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