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Friday, March 9, 2012

Fat Friday Recipe

Geez! I haven't posted a Fat Friday recipe in a long time.  I will warn you none of my recipes are low calorie or low fat. lol.  This one is no different.

I found this recipe on Pinterest of all places.  It sounded yummy and easy.  This is the original link to the recipe.  I had to deviate a little because both of my kids are picky eaters.  My daughter is very sensitive to hot or spicy things (possibly from the autism) so I had to leave out the chili powder.  So here is the recipe:

4 boneless skinless chicken breast (cut each breast into 3 pieces)
salt and pepper
garlic powder
chili powder (again I left it out but I'm sure would taste awesome)
brown sugar
1 package of bacon

Alright once you've cut up your chicken, season it to your taste with the above spices.  Next take a piece of raw bacon and wrap it in a spiral around a piece of chicken.  Put some brown sugar on a plate and roll the piece of chicken with bacon in the brown sugar and place in a greased baking dish.  I used non-stick spray in mine, but you could use olive oil too.   Now after eating mine I think that maybe adding some pineapple with it some how would be fantastic!  Anyway, preheat your oven to 400 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes until chicken is thoroughly cooked and bacon is crisp.  My kids actually ate this and said it was good, but like I say it needed a little something else as it was kind of bland to me.

Now another Pinterest hint of the day:

Did you know you can bake bacon?  To be honest I didn't know that. lol Now I can bake my bacon while I'm making the rest of my breakfast without having yucky bacon grease splatter everywhere :-)  I put mine in with the chicken above at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

I've got the 5 new signs drying in the basement and will take pictures soon. :-)  I also made a haul at the thrift stores today, which I'll show you hopefully soon.  Have a great day!!!!


  1. Oh baby!! Gotta try this. We have a bunch of goodies on Christmas Eve and one favorite is bacon coated in brown sugar, baked, and cut into pieces, so I know I will love this recipe.

  2. Yummy!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Prim Blessings

  3. Anything with bacon on it is a winner in my book. Thanks for the recipe. My kids are picky too. Maybe this one will work for us. -Steph-

  4. I don't have very many low fat/low calorie recipes either, lol. That sounds delicious, I'll have to try it sometime. I just realized the bacon thing this past year and my, what a lifesaver it is! I love not having to watch it, turn it, get splattered by it... so awesome!! =]

    Have a fantastic weekend my friend~

  5. I am all over this recipe..We LOVE bacon in this house..Have a great weekend..


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