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Friday, May 4, 2012

Picturetrail Update and Sale Update

Good morning everyone!  In between taking pictures for my sale I've managed to take more pictures of my home.  So please hop on over to my Picturetrail and enjoy!!!!

SALE UPDATE:  I will be updating with another group of items Saturday evening at 8pm Eastern.  Trust me you'll want to check it out and not miss it :-)


  1. Beautiful picture trail~ your home looks prim-patriotic ready for summer~ outstanding decorating~ love it~

  2. Mary. Thanks for visit my blog and leave a sweet comment.I appreciate you visit so much. As always, your home looks gorgeous. You have a great taste!Hugs, Eve

  3. Your home is just beautiful.... love your decorating style, and the new patriotic touches here and there! Your dining room is fabulous -- hard to pick but I think it is my favorite!

    Thanks for sharing, and have a happy weekend!!

  4. Loved looking at your picture trail. Thanks for sharing. Everything looks fresh for summer. Blessings ~Sara

  5. Awesome Pics! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. So beautiful. I love the colors you incoorperate into your home. -Steph-

  7. You have a beautiful home. You have great taste in prims. Mixing of colors is wonderful. I have always been afraid of trying mixing all the colorful pieces. Blessings!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.