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Sunday, July 29, 2012

In the Workshop

Hello Friends :-)  What a way to end my staycation but to spend it in the garage. :-) We have been creating up a storm.  Why you may ask?  Well, as of the end of August I will be closing my booth at the flea market.  There are many reasons why, but I can't and won't compete with someone who buys Made in China stuff and can sell it very cheap as compared to my and my friends beautiful hand made items.  I will not ask them to lower their prices just to compete.  This person is moving into the flea market.  That being said we will see how it goes in the month of August.  If our sales don't decline I may reconsider.  We will see.  Anyway, back to creating.  I'm trying to bust out a bunch of new items to get things selling in the booth.  I need to whittle down my redo pile in case I do close for good. 

So want to see what we've been working on today :-)

First, my beautiful make do light on my stoop to the left.  Not sure how long the light will last as it's not rated for outdoors. lol.  May have to find something else.

Next I keep seeing these fabulous candle holders in people's homes and after finding our pile of wood we made 4 of these.  Of course I won't use them all.

Then, I tore apart something else to make this little make do candle holder. I think it needs a little taller candle as it looks empty at the top.

I prim'd up this fireboard finally.  It is for sale everyone!!!!

Then Steve finished off my new GIANT shoo fly screen.  I can't decorate with it yet it's still wet.  I bought this as a close out from Target last year.  It was a bright red with a white knob.  We painted it with spray paint that has a "hammered" appearance.

I have more items in process in the garage.  I won't be able to finish them until the coming week on my days off.

A little make do chair.  I will be covering the back and seat with fabric.  I will NOT be leaving the heart. lol

This little soap and cup holder...

And of course my make do apothecary is going to finally be finished.  I'm waiting for the paint to dry tonight to work a little more on it.  I think I'm going to leave the drawers as is and only paint the outside.

I also painted up another shelf to go to the booth this week.  Shew... I'm tired!!!!  lol.  I, of course, will show you progress as it is made.  Thanks for visiting see you again this week.


  1. It's hard to compete against slave labor, isn't it. Hope all goes well with your endeavor. Everyone needs a shoo-fly screen. I didnt' even know there was such a thing, but with mosquitoes galore, they're essential!

  2. Made in China :(......phooey! Love your work!

  3. It is so hard to compete in this world with all of the "cheap" stuff out there. Good luck! The new creations look great, you have been busy. Blessings~Sara

  4. My you've been busy, Mary! I love it all! Hope you can hang in there at the flea market. Maybe it will work out....many people still appreciate homemade in America. :)

    I just wanted to invite you to come join me for Pinned it, Made it! Monday! You have so many wonderful things you create!


  5. Wow Mary!! What wonderful makovers. You have been so busy. Everything looks great. I especially love the shoofly screen. -Steph-

  6. I can't stand all the "Made In China" junk! I hope you have signs posted in your booth that say your items are "Proudly Made In The USA"! I know a lot of people are looking for those items right now.It doesn't hurt to advertise American Made as much as possible.
    Good Luck!
    Olde Crow Mercantile


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