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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas At the Homestead

I have started decorating for Christmas believe it or not.  I have been so busy with the booth and special orders I haven't had time to breathe in the last few months.  I told you I'd be back and I haven't I just wish there was more than 24 hours in the day.  Anyway, you will notice I don't have a Christmas tree picture because, well, it still isn't decorated.  I have a German twig tree that I LOVE and put in my living room.  Steve made me get rid of my other tree when I cleaned out the garage this fall because the lights were starting to go out. Now, as of last night, both Steve and my son said they think my tree is ugly and that we need a bigger one.  Really???? So I said fine let's go look.  Then he said it has to be less than $100!!!! I'm sorry but most of the trees that I've seen for a $100 look cheap!!!!! So, he says fine we'll keep this one. Grrrrr.... men!!! lol.  I think just to prove a point I'm taking this one to the bedroom and leaving an empty spot in the living room.  I wanted a tree in the bedroom, but I either gave them all away or I'm using them in the booth or selling them in the booth.  Yes, I was decluttering the garage this fall. I'm off today so maybe that's what I'll do is move the tree. 

Anyway, this is my Christmas decorating so far in the living room...  I will add the dining room on Monday :-)  I tried to simplify this year.  I only kept the Santas and snowmen that I loved and sold the rest. I used greens, pinecones, and faux fruit.  I told myself I was not buying anything new this year to decorate with and I didn't  I condensed from 6 totes to 3 of Christmas this year.  That my friends was a great feeling! I will also try to update my Picturetrail this weekend, but I'll let you know for sure when it is :-)

The green apothecary is one of my newest purchases from a new friend I met on Facebook. 

Alright this is the tree undecorated of course.  But now you can see what we are arguing over... lol


  1. Love your twig tree Mary. Don't you just love decorating with wood boxes too! You can use them so many ways all year long.
    ~Merry Christmas~

  2. Everything looks wonderful.
    Undecorated or not, I LOVE Your Tree!
    That is exactly the type I want for my living room. :)
    Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration.

  3. I love that tree! I think mine is too full! lol, it's a pencil tree...I need a twig tree!
    Your home looks very Merry!! Love every nook and cranny!

  4. Love your tree,it is exactly what is on my wish list!Everything looks wonderful,I love all the cool pieces you have in your home.Hugs,Jen

  5. Too funny! Love what tyou have done! Dianntha

  6. I always love your decorating. ~Sara

  7. Mary, Glad you are back, Everything looks great. Janie

  8. Beautiful tree! I think all of your decorating is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Be blessed,

  9. Mary I really like your tree. Simply light by clear lighting is pretty. All your decorating is wonderful as always. I have always said you have the touch. My fav is the fireplace. Blessings !Lara


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