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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What I've Worked On

Here it is noon and I'm just getting up.  Truth be told I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and my partner and I only got about 3 hours total sleep and that was interrupted sleep.  So, I came home and slept for a few hours. You know I'm getting too old to do this. lol. Anyway, since I can't get motivated to do much else I thought I'd show you some of the things I made for the Christmas season for the booth.  They are no longer available and I won't be making anymore until next year.  I need this time off between now and New Year's.  I'm re-evaluating things in my life and deciding on where I want to go from here.  All I know is there will be some major changes all around come next year, but that is another post.

Anyway, let's of course start with my stitching...

Both of the following are my own patterns...

This one was a free pattern that can be found here.  I also have a bunch of other free Christmas patterns on my Pinterest page Free Christmas Cross Stitch Patterns. Anyway, I added the the top part.

Next were some of my own patterns and designs Christmas goodies...  The only thing I have left is two of the Christmas trees at the bottom last I looked in the booth.

And of course pictures from the booth...  I stocked the booth quite a bit from my own collection.  I actually went through and condensed my decorating a lot!  I went from 6 totes to 3 totes.  Who knows next year it may get even smaller. :-)

I'm sure you remember my faux redware plates.  If not I have a tutorial for them if you go to the top of my page under my header in the tutorial tab.  Anyway, I had a Christmas blow out sale on Facebook to sell them.  I ended up making a ton more because of so many requests.  I'm so done making them for right now it isn't funny.  lol.This is the second batch I made.

The ones below are the ones I initially sold just to get rid of.  Then people asked if I would make more so I did.  All the ones above.  
This last picture was a special order for a customer. Can you see why I'm tired of making them? lol.  This is why I haven't made regular visits with all of you.  I've been one busy beaver!!!!  And of course working both jobs and trying to keep up here at home.

I should tell you as I was sleeping this morning I was dreaming of hearts.  You all know I don't do hearts! However, I think I'll make a few for Valentine's Day to sell.  I have several ideas and different mediums I'll be using to create them. Ughhh!!!! Why can't I just not think crafty things for awhile? Oh well... I do have a quilt started in my craft room right now, but this will be for me :-)  See it never ends!!!! lol


  1. Love your pinkeeps !! Great work!

  2. You totally deserve a break! :) Your creations are just wonderful!

  3. Love all the crafts, oh so I wish the Cardinals were still available. I would of scooped one up! They are so cute.

    They remind me of the one that come to our feeder.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  4. Get some rest and enjoy your Christmas, Mary! Thanks so much for sharing. Love all of your goodes!

  5. Great work! Merry Christmas and wishing you great blessings in the year to come.

  6. Just dropping by to tell you Merry Christmas. I hope you and your family have a great one! See you on here next year if not before!

  7. merry christmas to you and your family.....hope you have the best one yet....i wanted to let you know how much i enjoy your thanks for taking the time to share with all of us out here in blogland...thanks again....linda

  8. Merry Christmas, Mary, from our family to yours!



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