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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

More Spring Items

Good morning everyone!  I am finally up and at 'em.  I had a hugely productive weekend crafting.  Each day I am able to do more and more.  My ankle is cooperating other than swelling, heel numbness, and a little bruising.  I do tend to push too much like yesterday when I had it down for most of the day.  Hey! I banned myself to the basement while I was doing laundry.  I didn't want to keep going up and down the steps. So, I crafted and left my foot hang down.

This is what you get when you run two loads of washing and drying...

Not too shabby huh?  I have a box of odds and ends of DMC thread that I picked up at the thrift store.  I don't know if the colors are even made anymore, but I like how it turned out.  I would like to make a few more if I have time.  See you would have done the same thing by letting your leg hang. LOL.

Over the weekend I finished up a ton of customer orders and even had time to finish a new huge 14" bunny and large pastel eggs to sell.  I am truly amazed at the support people are giving me with these rabbits and sheep I have been painting.

It makes me sad to know I will build up my business while I am off work just to turn around and have to go back to work.  I wish there was a way I could do this full time, but I need the insurance.  :-(  Maybe some day I will be able to.

Today I am back at crafting.  I need to work on a customer order and then maybe design a few new eggs to punch.  Have a great day!


  1. Oh I hope you heal fast(er)
    Your egg turned out wonderful - I am doing the same thing with extra DMC. Instead of using the colors called for in the punch needle pattern I'm using things I have already.

  2. Love your prim eggs! Do you seal them before staining? I've painted some myself & am not sure how to proceed with the stain. Thanks for any assistance.


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