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Thursday, May 7, 2015


I decided after almost 12 weeks since my ankle issue it was time to clean and rearrange my home a little.  By the way,  the doctor has released me to resume normal activity on my ankle as of Tuesday!!!!  Woohoo!!!! LOL Over the weekend I did the living room and dining room.  Yes, I probably was not following the doctor's orders because I didn't wear my brace and was climbing on chairs to decorate. oopsie!!!!   I still have a few more rooms to go but I'm pretty pleased with result.  I am really trying to go simple.  There are a few things I just can't help but collect as you will see in the photos.  LOL. So today will be a visual post.  This is just the dining room because I took things off the wall in the living room and patched the holes.  I haven't sanded and repainted yet.  So, down the road you will see that too.

Anyway,  here is my new dining room look.  It looks different than it will appear in Country Sampler this fall.  Did I tell you that was confirmed last week?  If I did I apologize.  My mind is bouncing everywhere anymore.

OK OK I will quit talking and start posting.... Have a great day!!!!

The gourds in the bowl were ones I left outside all winter and just brought in to clean once they were nice and dry.

My dark secret... there is extra decorating stuff behind the closed door. LOL

Ignore the stuff on the floor I'm trying to sell it and have no where to go with it right now.

I love gourds... Can you tell?

I finally hung the corner shelf I bought before I broke my ankle. LOL

Another obsession... brown jugs and crocks....


  1. Hi Mary!

    Happy your ankle is doing well.

    Love your simpler look. Your decorating skills are great!

    Love the gourd you grow your own? We live in a townhouse apt. and I tried growing gourds one year and they practically took over the whole complex!! Lol


  2. Hello, love your redecorating, such a cozy warm home. Your treasures are beautiful. I also love gourds, just bought many from the Simple Goods show in Ohio. Now I need to redecorate.Blessings Francine.

  3. Love your home and can't wait to see it in Country Sampler.

    Glad your ankle is healing well.

  4. Glad to hear you up and atom now. I hide things behind my closed cupboard doors too! Love all of your pics. Such eye candy. Cannot wait to see you featured in the magazine. Janice

  5. Well I don't know of one lady that does what the dr. says...we have a life to live and a house to decorate for heavens sake lol
    Everything is very beautiful!
    But do take it easy!!

  6. Your home is very welcoming...I just want to cozy-up with a cup of tea!
    I'm am curious to know if you follow a procedure for drying your gourds...mine just rot!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart
    PS I love the new verification method...I got to choose all the ice creams pictured...I can do this!!!!


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