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Friday, March 6, 2020

Flocking To Me

Thank you everyone for the welcome back.  I'll be honest and say I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders to be blogging again.  I know that sounds weird, but it's true.  I know that there are algorithms on FB for people to see your post depending on how many times you post.  I'm done playing that game.  I figure for those who truly enjoy my page and like to interact with me then they will take a few minutes to see what I'm up to here just like before. So, let's get on to what I'm up to.

Let's catch some of you up who didn't follow me on FB.  I love to paint paper mache figures.  I have been doing it, well, for probably 5-6 years.  I still can't believe it's been that long.  It all started with some Santa's and has grown from there.  I didn't paint to many rabbits this year because they just don't speak to me like Santa's and snowmen.  However, sheep speak to me.  You can leave them out all year.  So this year I tried a few different colors.  I tried a crackle finish and let's just say I am to impatient.  It didn't work because I rushed the 2nd coat of paint. Oh, well I like him just as well. 

I love being different and trying new colors. By the way the sheep on the right with the brown face was the fail.

Of course I have some regular black and white ones too.

 Big ones as well as small ones...

I also have an Etsy site if anyone needs a sheep. Just look up Gettysburg Homestead or click on the link on the right side of my blog. The little ones are $12 ea and the large are $24 plus shipping.  I simply can not keep them all. LOL.

I will be working on my tutorial this weekend.  Those take me a little longer to pull together.  The other night while I was trying to fall asleep I had a great idea I want to try making these strawberries.  It will take me back in time.  Of course even if it doesn't work out I will still show you.  That's how I am here on my blog.  I will show my fails so you don't do the same thing. LOL.  I have no shame in my game of keeping it real.  


  1. I just started following recently, I prefer blogger over social media site. I think it's more genuine and personal to visit someone's blog than to just see them briefly in a sea of everyone's media on Facebook or Instagram, plus those sites are super toxic and not really conducive to the folk art scene/lifestyle. I like your sheep! I'm a crafter and plan on making one out of fabric for my family room decor, they really do work year round!

    1. It is very nice to meet you. I agree with you about not being conducive and toxic! Too much competition, name calling, politics, and rudeness. That is definitely not me. Good luck on your sheep. Can't wait to see them.

  2. Awwww...your sheep are sweet! This must be a new passion of yours since I last connected with you. (Couldn't possibly be my memory LOL).... Where do you get the base animals? And do you only do papier mache or do you do chalkware as well?? ~Robin~

    1. LOL. No this is a newer found love. Though I still love stitching,punchneelde, and now rug hooking.

      One of my friends makes the forms for me by handpacking the paper mache into forms. I have never tried chalkware.

  3. What a fun idea! Love your sheep and yes they can be left out all of the time! Janice


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