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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Kitchen Cabinet Decorating

Why is it I get the bug to redecorate at 8:30pm?  Last night I was looking at pictures of how people decorate above their kitchen cabinets.  I think it is time for a change.  I mean leaving my Christmas greens up all year for 2 years isn't long enough. LOL That's like leaving your Christmas lights on your house year round.  I actually had white lights up above with the greens with my huge wood bowls and brown crocks.  It was so festive until the cheapo Dollar General lights blew out.  But instead of changing them out I just left them. Go ahead and call it laziness if you will. LOL.  Anyway, I have some ideas, but I need to stare at it for a day or two being empty.  I don't want to overload it because cleaning aka dusting is a hassle.  I am really liking the less is more/ simplify thing. 

Excuse me while I make dinner.  I am multi tasking.  Talking with you and making dinner at the same time.  And yes, the drawer pulls and handles are shiny 90's gold.  In fact, they matched my bathroom ones. LOL.  And of course everything is oak!  Again they are in great shape and I can't paint them quite yet.  I did use this wall color to tame down the yellow in them.  Besides, I will be selling this home soon.  Bill, does not like living in town with neighbors.  He has a couple acres that he owns that we are looking at building on or getting a double wide to put on it.  In fact,  he was meeting with a builder tonight who came up with a house plan. 

These bowls now need to find a new home and cleaned up.  They are huge, but I think I have just the spot for them. The jugs are totally disgusting from being up there.  Guess they will be getting a bath. I'm hoping within the next few days to have some progress.  I'm hoping by blogging again I will start decorating like I used to.  I loved sharing my home with you.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Shhh I still hag my large Christmas tree up in our back room. No time to take it down yet. Hubby jokes it will be there til next Christmas. Janice


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