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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

To Blog or Not to Blog

I have been debating whether getting back to the basics of blogging is what I need.  I am growing tired of social media where people forget how to be nice and are constantly bashing each other.  I prefer to keep things light and positive in my life.  Besides this is where Gettysburg Homestead started.  For me, it was like a diary of my life.  At times my life was boring, but other times exciting.  I created tutorials, shared my thoughts, my dreams, and sometimes nothing at all other than something funny that happened.

Since I started this blog my life sure has changed.  I am now a middle aged 45 year old woman with 2 adult kids who still live with me, 20 extra lbs (yes, I am being nice because it is way more lol), 11 years post divorce, and a home owner. Oh and in case you didn't know engaged as of September 2019.  I am sure I will share more about him in posts yet to come.  We have a few things we are planning that are very exciting.  :-) 

In case you are wondering I still love my primitives and creating.  My style has changed over the years, but rest assured I will still share my passion with you. So, let's give this a whirl for awhile see where it goes.  I won't promise I will post everyday, but I will update on my Facebook page when I do.


  1. Glad you decided to blog again. I will be looking forward to each entry.

    Karen Farley

  2. Blogging has crossed my mind again! It's where I met you a million years ago! Btw I'm so happy about Bill :)

    1. We did meet many moons ago on blogs. We both have been through some stuff since then. You should start blogging again.

  3. Happy to see a new blog post. Will look forward to more. Linda m

    1. Truth be told..met too. It feels good to blog again.

  4. Yes, keep the blog! I love it...

  5. Looking forward to getting to know you again and congratulations o your engagement! Janice

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Janice. Sometimes I over share so you will get to know me quite well. lol

  6. Welcome back! Looking forward to reading more. I so appreciate no pop-ups or ads on your blog!!

    1. Those pop ups are the worst! I do this for fun and not to make money so no pops ups here.

  7. Congrats on your engagement!
    I prefer blogging to Facebook. It just seems so much more personal and people are so much nicer!!!

  8. Happy to see you back here ~ just added your blog to mine!

  9. I started blogging in 2009. I'm Maggie from Maggie's Lil' Fixins. I had taken a break about a year ago and found I missed blogging! Even though I have several country decorating pages on FB, blogging is special. I missed having a "conversation" as opposed to just a "post." You'll be happy blogging again!

  10. Welcome back ~ I have missed you !

  11. Welcome back my friend.... I have taken many a breaks from blogging...never because I was tired of it, but just because life got in the various ways....but my heart was always here, and I always come back. FB is just not the same...the relationships so superficial so often...and yes, lots of rudeness. Glad to see you back. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (And congrats on the engagement....woo hoo!!!)

    1. I agree. I thought FB would be easier faster so that life wouldn't get in the way, but it wasn't. Life has slowed a little to allow me to come back. I think it's easier to tell my story this way.


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