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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday ... Happy Father's Day

Today is my firstborns birthday. She is the BIG 13!!! She informed me she is now a teenager. I said are you ready for the responsibilities of a teenager too. Well... uhhhh I guess was the answer. The BBQ went really well last night. We were planning on more kids, but several called yesterday and cancelled. I knew it would happen, but at least two of her friends showed up. They ate and played Wii and just talked. You know God works in mysterious ways. The Mother of the boy that came called me yesterday to get directions to our home and we ended up talking for about 20 minutes about all kinds of things, but the most interesting is that her son too has Asperger's. It was very interesting watching the two of them last evening. Her son too endures teasing and not so nice people. But the two of them together get along just fine and except each other for who they are. I know I am not alone in my struggle with my daughter. The little girl spent the night and I have no idea what time they went to bed. I went in at midnight and told them to go to bed, but still heard them at 2am. However, they were up by 7:15 this am ready to go. She has had a difficult road to haul and the road is still long. She is looking forward to college and getting married. Only time will tell... but until then may each day be a blessing and get easier for her.

This is my daughter and her friends last night...

Happy Father's Day to my husband!!! He is so good to my daughter who is his step child and to our son. Do I agree with everything he lets my son do ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! But he takes the time and makes my son go to the farm he works at part-time. Don't get me wrong my son loves it. He loves to work. We punish him by not allowing him to go to the farm. My hubby has him do things so that he is not afraid of heights or anything for that matter (with the exception of bugs and snakes). He has provided for my daughter and has accepted her as his own from the day we met. We were friends for a long time before we married and he would even babysit for me when I went out on dates with other people. He is the bestest!!! My daughter of course doesn't understand this and does not know how much he does for her, but in time I think she will. My son on the other hand just loves spending time with his dad and doing what he does. He's still not sure of hunting but he's only eight. So, to the best daddy my kids could have Happy Father's Day!!!!

Hubby hates having his picture taken so I had to get him doing what he loves...


  1. Hi Mary, Looks like your daughter had a fun bday! I think she drys them out in the sun :)

  2. Mary,
    I must admit that you have been leaving comments on my blog but I have not been here until today! I am so sorry. I get so caught up in checking the blogs that I check regularly, trying to reply to questions and come up with posts that I sometimes "forget" to check out new blogs!

    I looked around and read up on things about you and your family and wow! I love your crafts :) I'm amazed at how you manage to do it all with your DD, that would be enough to "break" a lot of people. I love your house. Beautiful :) I will be checking back here more often!

    Happy Birthday to your DD :)


  3. Hi Mary,

    I wanted to let you know that you are not alone - and there are others who deal with the unkind comments from other kids too. I have 2 very dear friends who each have a son with Asperger's and they deal with some of the same issue's.

    I am so glad that other mom found her way to you. I hope you can be a support for each other.

    hugs, Linda

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Isn't it amazing how the kids can sit up so late and then pop up that early when they've got friends over?

    I love the photo of your husband on the lawn mower! Sounds like you're really blessed with a great husband!
    ~ Tammy

  5. Hi Mary,
    Sorry I've been so long with getting back to you: the paint colors in my bathroom are Golden Dune on the walls and the trim is the darkest color on the color chart... I forget the name and misplaced the card, if I find it I'll be sure to let you no and the brand name starts with a V.
    Glad your daughter had a great BD.

    Blessings Rondell


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