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Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Monday...

We had a great weekend here at our home. I even had time to do some crafting and we put up about 2 1/2 dozen jars of jam with more to go. We also made a strawberry pie this weekend too. I don't like the real strawberry gel that most people use so my MIL gave me a recipe for one that uses strawberry jello. I'll post it later this week. My in laws came over last night to give my daughter her birthday card and my FIL went out and picked strawberries for me. He took enough for them and for my husband's grandmother. What a relief less I have to pick. Don't get me wrong there is still more to pick and it keeps raining and then turning to sun so we'll have plenty more.

The first thing I finished was this stitchery. I made this many years ago before I knew what I was doing. Many mistakes along the way. 1. Use a batting behind your stitchery... well I didn't. 2. Don't use red thread or prewash... you guessed it I used a dark burgundy and yes it bled when I washed it. 3. It is a bit off center... measure better. 4. Don't put knots in the thread and make the back as clean as the front...hence I covered up the back. I had to coffee stain this baby good to cover up the red bleed marks. I was tired of waiting on my hubby to make a picture frame so I decided to make it a hanging. hehe I know you all see my white door (that I hate) in the background, but that is my foyer that I'm still struggling with for color. I haven't been to the paint store yet so it is what it is. Anyway, I still see the red haze on the stitchery, but it is better...

Next up I bought this sign at the Goodwill a long time ago... I didn't like the saying Country Kitchen.

So I painted it black and stenciled it... I bought the stencil from Primmart's online yard sale for about $5.00 I think. Then I sanded it and stained it with stain to prim it up a little...

I also bought this candle box from the Goodwill awhile ago too. I do not decorate with hearts so I don't know why I bought it. Anyway before it is a country blue...

Thought I'd try a little something different. I don't like it, but I told you I'd share my failures too. I first painted it with red. Then dry brushed on black and used this little rubber paint technique tool and TRIED to comb it for interest. Well, I couldn't get the hang of it and this is how it came out. But then I decided hey why not put stain on top to darken it... so I did.

Then my sister calls me and says I'm at this barn sale and they have blue Ball jars with zinc lids for $.25 a piece do you want me to pick them up. I'm like yeah!!!! I can normally buy them for $1.00 a piece at the thrift store. So she bought me these...

My sister is always on the look out for me when she goes places. She doesn't decorate like me, but knows my style. Heck she is the one who found my foyer floor for me. Anyway, off to see what I can get into today. I have to go to work tonight at 6pm and I don't get off until tomorrow at 6pm so I won't be able to get too much done I guess.


  1. Wow, cute stuff. It's so nice of your sister to watch for good deals for you. I could certainly used an extra pair of eyes!

    Happy Monday to you, too!

  2. love the jars!!! i sure wish i had some homemade strawberry jam!! we used to have a couple places nearbyt to pick at but sad to say, they are no longer open.
    hugs, kim

  3. Are you for real? You can normally buy those jars for 1.00! Around here they are anywhere from 6.00 to 12.00 each. Thats why I only have two, We plan to buy a ton of them when we travel north.

  4. Wonderful finds and great makeovers :) You had a very productive day! That's where my ambition went took it! LOL :D

    Have a great day!

  5. Hi Mary,
    My you have been busy and I feel bad that I tagged you:) Stop over and see!

    Blessings Rondell


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