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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just a quick Hello...

I didn't think I was going to be able to post today, but I thought I'd make it a quick one since recently I've had really long ones. I promised I'd show you my semi-cleaned up, organized, mess of a craft room. In the corner cabinet, that I saved from my aunts old rental house, I have my bolts of fabric, paint stencils, fabric scraps, quilting books (that I haven't used yet), and odds and ends of felt. I know it still looks like a hodge podge, but believe me it's better.

Next picture... yes that is three boxes of what appears to be stuffing. The one on the left is full of unfinished projects. The two on the right, well, one is about 1/4 box of stuffing the other is full. That really cool bag on the top is my craft travel bag. That's another post in itself. Then some of my finished projects are in the clear tub. All the stackable clear containers on left have craft odds and ends, paints, sewing supplies, patterns, kids craft supplies. yada yada... Of course I couldn't live without my big table/desk a freebie from my MIL. I paint and sew and do all kinds of stuff on it. I like being able to get around all sides. There are some projects started on the table as I always have something going.

Last picture is my shelving. Well, I thought I would organize my fabric all in clear tubs. It was a great idea until I found I didn't have enough tubs. I put fat quarters in one, solids in another, and fabric that has yardage in another. Now I can see what I have without pulling it all out. Then I have all my paint corralled in one place. I keep all my odds and ends of wall paint that I use. You never know when you'll need to use them. As I paint floor cloths and love all the different colors that I have accumulated. Of course, my wedding dress in the box on the top shelf.

So, it's not much different than before, but it is a little more organized for now. Give it a week and it'll look like a tornado went through again.


  1. Wow! You have a very organized craft room! Aren't you just so thankful for rubbermaid boxes? I don't know how I would survive without them?
    ~ Tammy

  2. It feels so good to get even some organization done. All my stuff has to be organized in a cupboard, a dresser and a little cupboard all in my living room for now till I'm in a house and not in my little apartment, but it works. Great table!
    Happy crafting and creating

  3. Thanks for coming to my blog for a visit & your concern for my Mom. Stop by anytime, you're always welcome.
    It looks like you have been busy in your craft room and have it so well organized now.
    Have a nice day,


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