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Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Weekend...

So I told you we were going to dog sit this weekend for some friends of ours. Well, she was better behaved this time than the last time we had her. She didn't have any accidents in the house when I was here...but she didn't like my hubby and sat right in front of him and peed on my kitchen floor when he tried to get her outside when I wasn't here. He was so mad I could here him yelling at her from outside when I came home. She had run upstairs and wouldn't come down. I finally coaxed her down and took her out. Here she is so cute I tell ya... That's my son with Hershey.

Here's my unloved dog... (yeah right) Spoiled is more like it!!!!

Skip to this AM... I was outside next to her while she was on a line, when my dog decided to walk next to her and she ran after after him. And yes of course you guessed it... the line caught my leg swept it out from under me and I fell... my ankle popped and I fell on my hip. Luckily, the only lasting mark is where the line caught my leg... It's kinda hard to see but here... it matches my other leg... LOL.

No laughing at the moon tan... My legs haven't seen the sun until today!!!!

I did get to work on reorganizing my craft room since the basement is the coolest place in the house. It is 92 degrees outside my central air is at 74 and it is having trouble keeping up. I will get pics of the craft room and show you later this week. I am so excited because I found lots of fabric I forgot I had. I am washing up some remnants a lady who used to have a fabric store gave me in hopes of using them somehow too. Hopefully, soon I will be adding some dolls, aprons, and bonnets to the website. I'll let you know. Now I just need to work on cleaning the rest of the basement. If it stays warm like this I think I'll do it this week.


  1. Ouch I bet that hurt! I had the same thing happen with a retractable dog leash! Good luck with the dog sitting!!

  2. She went home Sunday much to the relief of my dog, my hubby, and I think her. I didn't get crafting done like I had planned becuase I had to keep a watchful eye on her... as she ate one of my fake fabric strawberries. GRRR...


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