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Monday, June 9, 2008

Thrifting and Trash Picking

I have read on many of your blogs about how many of you like to go to thrift stores and yes some of you trash picking. I LOVE both of these. Before I moved a year ago I use to go all over town looking in peoples trash for my treasures. Now that we live out in the country I don't see as much. My hubby always use to get so embarrassed when I would drag stuff home. Then my FIL used to make fun of me until he started to find stuff like a brand new pool cover in the trash. Then he found wood and made a headboard for a bed. This is one of my finds... Right now I have it in my basement and it seems a little dusty but this is a mahogany veneer dresser minus the mirror, with tiger eye maple drawers from the early 1900s. I took the drawer to an antique store for help on this. I cleaned it up a little and viola a perfect TV stand for now. I can't bring myself to paint it because it is so beautiful. I did find out that back then if you had a piece of furniture the had a wood veneer over the wood that it was a high end piece. Only the well off could afford it because with the veneer more detailing could be done. I thought that was interesting.

Now thrift stores are my thing. I have one about 15 minutes away in Amish country that I love. You can get fabric $1.00 a yard and I have found/bought tons. I bought a real little Amish dress for my peg rack, lots of Atlas and Ball jars, crafting supplies like crazy, quilts, I even bought a set of Henn Pottery Plates and bowls for $10.00, clothes, sewing supplies, umm buggy blankets, aprons, Amish bonnets, you name it I have probably seen it. I found this little treasure not so long ago there... A cedar lined chest... It needs cleaned up and repainted...

I also go to Goodwill as I have about 3 within 20 minutes of my house. I'm always on the look out of good deals. I figure I can always repurpose or repaint just about anything. I don't find as many good things there, but I don't give up. I need to quit looking for furniture though as I have too much as it is and have no where to put it. LOL. Hmmm... all this talk makes me want to go to the Thrift store. Maybe tomorrow, I'll let you know what I find.


  1. I would love thrift stores if I could just find some great deals! Our Goodwill just isn't that great. I have found very few good deals. I've had more luck with yard sales in this area.

    Go on to the thrift shop...I can't wait to see what you bring home! lol!

    I love that chest especially!

    Have a great week!

  2. Hi....I can't believe you get all those wonderful things at your thrift stores, you should buy and resale alot of bloggers don't get to see the Amish clothing and such, just a thought! I'm adding you to my favs so that I can visit more.

    blessings Rondell

  3. Mary, Thanks for visiting me and thanks for adding me :)
    I added you to my blog favorites; yours will be one of my dailys!

    Sounds and looks like you find all kinds of goodies at the TS and trash...I find most of my stuff from the flea mart/ Antique place but I will go anywhere I don't care! I plan to go this weekend, and I cannot wait!!

    Take care,

  4. A girl after my own heart! I just went thrifting yesterday and now all your talk of it makes we want to go today. It's addicting. I second the idea to resell. Especially the Amish stuff. IF you find some little Amish dresses or bonnets while your out pick some up for me. Seriously.

  5. Don't worry girls... I'm already there made of list of stuff to look for. I'll let you know when I come home.

  6. Isn't it the best, this thrifting and hunting?! I have always loved it since I was a girl finding treasures at a dumpsite near my Great Grandparents house. Anyway, I just discovered your blog. I used to live in Dalton, OH so I am very familiar with where you are.
    Be blessed and I'll be back to visit


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