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Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Son!!!

Today is my baby's birthday. He is 9 years old today. Oh how time flies when you're having fun huh? I wish I had a scanner to show baby pictures but I don't so I'll show ones I have from the last year. He is so much a Mama's boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses and tells me all the time that he loves me. He's even gonna live with us when he gets married so he says because he loves us that much. I do admit I do baby him, but I just can't resist.

He is my little adult. Many people have told me that they feel like they are talking to another adult when they meet him. My son could talk your ear off about heavy equipment, farms, how to put a roof on, and change a tire. He has had to grow up a little quicker than most kids because of his sister. He watches out for her and makes sure she is with us at all times. He has never been made to do this he chooses to. My son is smart as a whip and isn't afraid to tell you what he thinks. Unfortunately, this has gotten him into trouble many times. Ask Tiffany from Tiffany's Primitive Place. LOL

So my little boy. Mama loves you too. Happy Birthday!!!


  1. He is getting too big!!! Can't we just keep in a little boy for the rest of his life??? Happy Birthday Bay...Aunt Tiffy loves you!!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!! XOXOXOXO I hope he has a great day girl!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son!! And I love your easy style of cookin girl! Have a great weekend.

  4. Mary, tell him we said happy daughter is 9!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. What a cute guy. Arn't boys just the best, I think my two sons are soooo much easier than my daughter.

  6. happy birthday to him!!! isnt it wonderful when they are that age and want to stay with us forever! he is such a handsome young man. congrats on a wonderful son!

  7. Happy Birthday to you!

    Oh girl time does fly, it seems like yesterday my boy was little and sweet....He is 17 and is sometimes sweet! LOL

  8. I hope your son had a great birthday (they are always great at that age!) I enjoy reading your blog and am adding you to my favs!

  9. Happy Birthday to your son!! You looks so sweet.


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