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Friday, July 25, 2008

Fat Friday Recipe!!!!

I tried to get pictures this week of what I made, BUT everyone dug in too fast. However; the recipes I'll share are already made in your homes. This is just a quick easy NON-cook from scratch way. :-) I told you guys I have no idea how to cook so here ya go. LOL

Crock Pot Swiss Steak
1 package of cube steak
2 cans of beef gravy (yes I say can because I don't know how to make it tehe)

I make a little mix of flour, salt pepper, and this time garlic (the stuff in the shaker from Tastefully Simple). Drag the meat through it and throw it a pan to brown on both sides. I then put in the crock pot smother with gravy and let it it cook all day.

Next I made my rendition of corn casserole.

Corn Casserole
1 box of Jiffy corn muffin mix
1 cup of cream corn
1 cup whole kernel corn (with some juice)
1/4 cup butter softened
1/2 cup sour cream
Last but not least cheese (we use cheddar)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and grease an 8X8 pan. Mix together all the ingredients shown above except the cheese. Pour into the pan and bake for 1 hour or until brown around the edges and set. After you pull it out sprinkle your cheese all over the top and let it melt.

So there you go sorry no pics of that today, but I will be back with pics after my son gets up. He turns 9 today. So I'm off to bake a cake for him and do what HE wants to do today! If any of you are posting recipes, and want me to post Mr Linky, I will just let me know and then check back a little later to see if it's up and post your blog on it so that we all can enjoy them.

P.S. Peper Creek Gatherings is having an awesome giveaway. Isn't this awesome. Please go check her out and enter.


  1. I can see the fat on those recipes.LOL They look great.

  2. YUM! Those recipes sound so good and you gotta love easy! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  3. sounds great!!
    my girls love corn casserole! ya know i had my recipe published in tast of home abot 20 years ago. ;) i am going to try it with cheese.
    i wish you were closer, you could come to my yard sale on saturday.;)

  4. Girl, I make that some corn bread and let me tell you there is never a crumb left. Only thing is I make my own cream corn and it makes the corn bread even moister and sweeter too!
    That's one of hubby's most favorite dishes.

  5. Hi Mary,

    Thanks for those recipes! That's different from my corn casserole, so I'm going to give it a try! I just made mine last night. I'll have to share it some time (very easy too!)

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving sweet comments on my blog often! I enjoy your visits! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I love love love your corn casserole...and now I have the recipe!!! By the way, I posted a recipe for you Fat Friday on my blog!!!

  7. Yum! Those sound like wonderful recipes!!I will have to try them both!! ;)

    I just found your blog through Kindra! What a fabulous giveaway! I'm on my way over to check it out!
    Have a wonderful week!


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