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Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's a Giveaway!!!!

One of the fabulous ladies that I have met is having a giveaway. She has talent I'm telling you. Rush over and enter on her blog. It is Joann from The Carter Clan She is giving away an awesome prim tool box. Here's a pic I hope she doesn't mind I put it on here.

and I have been tagged at Cranberry Crossings for this little meme.

Sport: none
Game: connect four with my son
Color: all colonial colors
Movie: Schindlers List
Broadway play I have seen:
Broadway Musical I have seen: Les Miserables, My Fair Lady
Song: LOVE Christmas Music
American city I have visited: Cleveland,OH
Foreign city I have visited: Toronto Canada
Book: To be honest I don't have the attention span for a book
Children's Book: I think they were called the Golden Books
Classic television show: Love Boat
Recent television show: Deadliest Catch
Actor: I can't remember names the guy who played in Silence of the Lambs as Hannibal Lector
Actress: No favs
Perfume: Don't wear it
Food: hmmmm.... southern cooking
Dessert: pie
Chain Restaurant: Panera
Local Restaurant: Haven't been to any of them.
Car: Chevy Blazer
Condiment: yellow mustard
Kitchen Appliance: stove
Home Appliance: radio
Beauty Product: none
Piece of clothing: jeans
HGTV Show: don't watch not enough TVs
Food Network show: Never watch
Male Songwriter:
Female Songwriter:
Holiday: Christmas
Ballet I have seen:None
Disney character: Cinderella
Flower: Jacobs Ladder Rose
Alcoholic drink: Amaretto Sour
Non-Alcoholic drink: Cherry Pepsi
Magazine: Country Sampler
Animated movie: Toy Story
Television network miniseries: ?On Lifetime Loves Never Ending Story there are a bunch of titles they are written by Michael Landon Jr. They are running them all again Saturday
Season: Fall
Male vocalist: Josh Grobin
Female vocalist: no fav
Day of the week: any day I don't work
Household Chore: redecorating
Ice Cream: blueberry waffle cone
Candy: Snickers or Nestle Crunch
Artist: All of the fab ladies I've met on here
Quotation: God won't give you anything more than you can handle.

I am suppose to tag more people, but I too am taking the easy way out and saying whomever wants to particiapte please do.

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