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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Watcha Working on Wednesday

Let me first start out with an apology for any grammar and spelling mistakes as I just came off of a 24 hour shift.

As promised I will show you some things I've been working on besides my door. I have some other things in the works, but they are not done yet. Remember when I bought the quilted pieces from the thrift store. If not click here. Anyway this is what they became last week.

Not quite my style a little too bright, but I'll use them as pillow shams for awhile until I redo the bedroom but heck for $2.00 they work great!

Next my hubby FINALLY hung my peg shelf I bought weeks ago. I need to make some more bonnets and aprons, but for now they look OK. He laughs at me because of the bright white apron he says it doesn't go. Well, it is an authentic Amish apron that I bought so that I could use it as a guide and make some to sell. It will come down or get coffee stained after I use it.

Next thing is this little fall bag I came up with. The outside is burlap while the inside is lined in flannel. Then I hand stitched on some leaves. I thought it was too cute.

Then of course I have been on a pillow kick. I have no idea why, but I zipped these together. Do you like the screw drivers in the background. My hubby can't seem to pick up after himself.

Alright can anyone tell I am a Southpaw? The slant of my letters. LOL.

Last but not least my scarecrow. It is not prim enough for me, but I wanted to try the burlap for the head.

Other than that lets see I had to clean up puke from from son this AM, put dinner in the crock pot, start laundry, and clean my kitchen. Who knows if I get the kitchen accomplished you might get to see why I hate it so much. LOL.


  1. You are so talented Mary! I love the bonnets and aprons on your new pegrack!
    Have a wonderful, restful day.

  2. Hey you have been busy! I love go to sleep!

  3. My goodness! You are a litttle whirlwind! Sorry that your son was sick this morning. Hope he is feeling better by now.
    About the first pillows, why not tea or coffee stain them too? You can do it the same time you do the white apron! LOL!

  4. Ok well its always to pick up a little puke first thing in the morning!! And I love all of your creations!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great day!~Wendy

  5. Hi Mary love the fall bag and the scarecrow.You certainly have been a busy bee.I can't wait to see everyones halloween decor.Take care~Kate~

  6. Mary,

    I love your scarecrow! And you HAVE been busy! I love your pegboard and everything on it! I hope your son is feeling better!


  7. What cute things, I love the scarecrow, and the shelf and aprons and the handbag, I just love everything. My little brother brought my daughter back an Amish doll from Ohio. I didn't have a face on it, as you probobly know. Well I was looking through her toys one day and found the doll with a face on it that she had drawn with a black magic marker, she said it was scary without a face. I should have been mad, but it was just too darn cute.

  8. i love all the goodies!! my fave is the peg rack...

  9. Love the bag-so cute!! The peg rack is awesome too...


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