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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Watcha Working on Wednesday

If you are not familiar with Wednesday go on over to Leslie's My Country Home. Of course I am still working on fall stuff. I finally got my behind in gear over the weekend and made some more scarecrows. These are more my style then the one I showed last week.

These still need hangers on the back.

We went canoeing with the kids yesterday and I let my daughter use the camera so here are a few pics.

Hubby who hates his picture taken.

Geese floating beside us.

Me for those who didn't know. teehee

Awesome pic my DD took.

And of course what camera person 's day is not complete without a close-up.

Now don't forget the next step for the floorcloth will be next week. So be sure to come back. Ok well, come back before that too. LOL.


  1. Are all your fall items going to your website and/or craft fairs? They are just wonderful!! I will have to go shopping. I have my eye on one of your dolls. :)

    Canoeing looks like fun! Great to get outside and enjoy nature's gifts.

  2. I'm sure you had a fun time canoeing :) I went once many years ago. It was fun...well, except for the part that it was during a drought and for part of the trip, my Dad and others had to pull the canoes through the low water! LOL

    The scarecrows are cute! I think I like the girl one the best! Never saw a girl scarecrow before :)

    Have a great day!

  3. Looks like fun!
    I have to hide the camera from my Daughter...I go to import my pics and I will have 20 closeups of her and 20 of the cats and dogs! Beth

  4. Oh you new fall items are adorable! So fantastic!! I'm with Leslie, the girl scarecrow is just too cute!! Love her!!

    Oooh canoing! My family just use to love it, except for my brothers who would usually tip us over!! I've only gone a few times with DH, might have to drag him out again, looks like you all had so much fun! Great picts, thanks for sharing!!

  5. Hey Kindra unfortunately I need to see if one of the stores I supply to wants them. She's been asking me for fall. I would like to put some up for adoption on my website, just need the time to make them. LOL.

    We did have a lot of fun canoeing and yes there were parts where I wasn't sure if our canoe would make it because the water was so low.

  6. great pics and i love the scarecrows!!

  7. I love a good canoe ride and fall is my fave! for decorating, being outside, everything.
    Love your scarecrows!

  8. I bet your house looks so nice all the time but in the fall it must come to life! I love all your fall crafts Mary!

    Looks like you guys had a blast on the river yesterday!

  9. Lovely photos! I am enjoying looking at what everyone is making. So since my house is already overflowing, I will just cheer from the sidelines. :)

  10. Cute scarecrows!! Canoe-ing looks like fun. My deprived self has never canoed.

  11. Mary,

    I love everyone of your scarecrows! I don't think I could pick a favorite!

    I've only been canoeing once and the water was low and we did alot of what Leslie said...picking it up and wading...not that fun!

    And what is with kids and close-ups with the camera? That's the LAST thing I want to do with it...but I have so many pictures of both of my kids that way if they find my camera or even my cell phone! They almost look distorted...they get so close! lol! But your daughter's pic is cute! And I love the landscape photo she took! Tell her good job!


  12. Your scarecrows are wonderful, Mary! There is just nothing better to decorate for autumn.

    Beautiful canoeing photos too. The last time I went canoeing .... was the LAST time I went canoeing. I spent more time in the water than in the canoe. We even ran into a cow in the stream. Next time its a nice flat bottomed row boat for this gal!


  13. I LOVE your scarecrows, I'm going to have to check into them in your etsy shop. Looks like a fun canoeing trip, look at skinny little your paddleing away!

  14. The canoe-ing looks like a lot of fun. I haven't done that since I was a kid.
    Your scarecrows are fantastic. Are they your own pattern? Although I'm not into prim decor, I do like prim dolls (especially Annies). I just made my first stump doll from a Threadbare Primitives pattern. At first I was a little freaked out by the stump dolls since I'm not really drawn towards the "extreme" stuff. But I think it turned out more cute than scary. :)

    ps. I don't have an exact pattern in mind for fabric for my cat's window seat (doesn't that make them sound super spoiled?). I have green/off white checked curtains and other green accents in the kitchen so something that will work with that. I'm going to go to my favourtie quilt shop and check out their fabrics. Any excuse to go there. :)

  15. Yep~~~ I am LOVIN those scarecrows~~~ Very neat Mary~~~ Ur on a roll gurl!
    It looks like you all had fun canoeing! Hubby & I get to go bout once a year~~~

  16. I love your scarecrows!. Fall is my favorite season. I need to get my butt in gear and get started on fall stuff.


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