My Pages

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wylde Woman Award

I was given another award by Robin at The Robin's Nest. I have been meaning to post this sooner, and I must apologize to Robin for not doing so. I am so flattered by her generosity. She has the most amazing pictures and has taught me how to take better ones along the way, not that they are great yet. LOL. If you haven't visited her yet you really need to. She just became a grandma again. How do you do it Robin being 21 and all!!! LOL.

Isn't this so awesome.

Here's the rules...

You may give it to one or one hundred or any number in between-it's up to you. Make sure and include links to their blog.

And remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.

Everyone on my blog roll is so deserving of this. You all have touched my life in ways you can't ever imagine. The wonderful kind comments and friendship you have given me are so overwhelming. You all feel like sisters to me and I wake up each morning to see who has left me a message and go to bed saying a prayer for each of you. For those not on my blog roll yet I am working on it and please let me know if you would like to be added. So to all of you thank you so much for visiting my blog and keeping me going.


  1. I also get up in the morning and head for the computer to see who commented, it makes my day of course this is after I make a cup of coffee:)
    Congrats on your award:)

  2. My husband makes the coffee so I can got straight to the computer.

  3. Congrats on your blog award! I do that too, head to the computer right after breakfast with the kiddos! It's so awesome to see what others say and the support you receive! Congrats again!! In the little time I've read your blog, it's well deserved!

  4. Me too, Mary! I head for the computer and I'm very disappointed when something else comes up to keep me away! :) I feel like I have so many friends in blogland!

    Congratulations on your award!


  5. congrats on the award! I have never seen anything like it. It looks great on the sidebar. You know, since were all about decorating, why not our blogs?

  6. You are so deserving of the award...thanks for the prayers...I know I can sure use them...Yes, coming to my computer has become a highlight of my day.

  7. Congratulations on your award! Your posts always make me smile.


  8. That's a cool looking award.
    Congratulations! :)

  9. Oh Mary you make me laugh...21? Most my kids are older then 21~ It's hard to believe they grow up so fast.
    You really do inspire me Mary. How I wish I had your energy-It seems like it's so easy for you to just whip up this craft or that craft and they are all so wonderfully made so professional.
    Keep it up because we love seeing them all.
    Have a great evening (I bet your making something right now huh?) :)


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.