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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School.... Freezing Corn

Well, I came home last night after a twelve hour day to my hubby waiting for me to freeze 12 dozen corn. I knew we needed to do it, but I was not motivated, but then again when am I. We decided to keep the mess confined to the garage. After all, we had to shuck it, blanch it and then put it in an ice water bucket. So my son, who was my slave because he got in to trouble yesterday and is now grounded, was helping. He did a great job shucking the corn but had a little trouble with the silk. Anyway, we got it all done in and cleaned up in about 2 hours. Not too bad...

And the saga begins... You knew I couldn't not take pictures right???

An ice cold bucket of water...

A Boy....

A Dad, who likes to torment above boy.....

A Dog, who is suppose to love water..... but doesn't (and also gets tormented by above Dad)

Dog who really hates water....

Boy, who dunked his own head in the water because above Dad picked him up and dunked his head in the water for him when Mom didn't have the camera.

All went well this morning getting the kids on the bus except for the fact no pictures because the bus was 15 minutes early. AHHHHHHH.... the kids were running out the door. My son was so excited to go back and see all of his friends again. My DD actually tried to do her hair and was excited to go to school too. Now the dog and I are cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to do errands. The silence again until 3pm. What to do what to do???? LOL Oh wait I know get things done!!!! LOL.


  1. Getting the corn ready sounds like fun...but it's all worth it in the end. I'm determined to grow a garden next year. But then I will have no idea what to do with everything. :)

    Ah, the first day of school. That was always fun for me. Enjoy your time getting things done!

  2. Corn is one thing I don't like to do...Like to eat it..hate to shuck it! Beth

  3. Cute dog, and hey you picked a good time to ground your son. What a good hubby to be so helpful. Jealous of the corn, wish ours would have produced something. Oh well, maybe next year.

  4. haha
    Thanks for making me laugh this early in the morning.
    We still have one week left to go on Summer break.
    And yes I have been counting down!

  5. Ha, ha! Looks like fun....NOT! I remember many days of doing that with my grandparents. I really hate cleaning corn!!! We would do whold truck bed loads at a time!!!

    Enjoy your quiet time today. I have two weeks to go yet :)

    Have a great day!

  6. Oh, I remember those days and the welcomed silence until 3pm:)
    Have fun today and try to relax.

  7. hilarious blog and pictures! i love reading about your fun life!!

  8. Sing it with me now---"It's the most wonderful time of the year." I hope you get lots accomplished. OR I hope you can be a slug for a little while and sit around eating massive quantities of chocolate.

  9. Oh fun! I'm just rolling from the pictures and your hubby!! You've made me determined to take better care of my garden next just turned out so pathetic this year!

    Whew getting the corn ready is a job!! But like Kindra said, it is worth it in the end! I hope you guys have a wonderful day!!

  10. What a cute post as always Mary! Sounds like your family knows how to have fun even when working!
    I bet you are thrilled to have some alone time to get things done even if it is only till 3 during the week! I can't wait to see all the projects you do.
    Take Care,

  11. That looks like alot of work...but I do believe in child labor! lol! My kids know they're expected to work around here! :)

    I love the photos and captions...very cute! It looks like you had fun mixed with work...that's good ole' family memories!

    Congratulations on your award and thanks for honoring me with the award too! I will post it tomorrow and pass it on!

    Thanks a bunch and have a great day!


  12. Wow, that's a lot of corn! Glad it didn't take too long to do.
    When my grandaughter starts to school, I don't know what I will do with myself! Enjoy your quiet time!

  13. ain't it great when they go back to school?/!1 lol
    i am going to do tomatoes today... we love salsa!!

  14. Thats a whole lot of corn. Sounds like you had a fun time doing it. I've never frozen corn. School starts Thursday, I am so ready even if the boys are not.

  15. I used to help my mom with freezing veggies when I was growing up. I should do that now!

  16. Too funny!! I would love some of that corn. We have only had corn once all summmer.

  17. BTW~You can add me to your list of "Love Your Blog" awards...I gave it to you on my blog :) I do love coming here!

    Have a great night!

  18. I know just how you feel...come home to just one more thing. Hope all is well today.
    I saw that you like the Shawshank Redemption...the courthouse in our small town is where they filmed some of that movie and my bil was an extra in the funny! Dianntha


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