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Monday, August 18, 2008

I LOVE Your Blog Award!!!

I was awarded this great blog award by several people and am so humbled. I always love when people think of me and give me awards becuase they enjoy my blog. This is why I do it... OK it is very therepeutic for me too. Anyway the very special ladies that awarded me are:

Tiffany : Tiffany's Primitive Place
Tracey : Life of a Primitive Lover and Farm Girl Wanna Be
Kathy: Sweethome Gardens
Rondell: Tomatoe Creek Prims

Now for the rules of the award. They are as follows:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.

I love everyones blogs on my blog roll and the news ones I'm just beginning to find. But since I must only tell you 7 I haven't seen these ladies post this award yet.

Olde Colonial Peddler
Country Girl at Home
The Carter Clan
Painted Prairie
The Artful Life
The Robin's Nest
Nest Sweet Nest


  1. Oh! Hurray!!!
    Thank you, my dear.
    Right back at ya!
    I'll post it right away and give it away to my faves.

  2. Oooh YAY! Thank you so much Mary! I was doing my "rounds" this morning when I got your post! But I tell you, it goes right back to you, I just love your blog!

  3. Thank you so much Mary! I will post it as soon as possible with honor! I had to take my Dad to get a endoscopy yesterday and today I'm taking my daughter to get a 3D ultra sound the doctor said there "may" be a problem on the baby's spine. Blood test that came back yesterday were normal (no spina bifida/down syndrome) I sat in my car and cried for joy after that news came. Today we will go see if there is anything. I'm praying there will be nothing. :)
    Okay-Sorry about the book here.
    Thanks for the wonderful award I love your blog too but you ALREADY know that! :)

  4. Oh, Mary!! Thank you so much!! I haven't been making my rounds as much the past few days and am getting caught up now.
    Of course, I love your blog!!


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