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Monday, August 18, 2008

Great Weekend !!!!

My MIL, SIL Tiffany (Tiffany's Primitive Place) Aunt in law and I all decided we needed to do some shopping. Ok Tiffany needed to take some of her handmade primitive items to one of our favorite shops to sell there. I was going to take my camera and take pics, but of course air headed me forgot it. DUH!!!! So, you'll have to use your imagination until next time. I am so mad at myself because I even told Tiffany don't let me forget it. GRRR.... Anyway, so we stop at Audrey's Attic, which is a mix of primitive and country because she was having a sale. You get to pick your percent off your sale up to 50%. She gives like 10 books to pick from and each one has a book mark inside with a different percent off. I picked a 30% off, so a lot more things became appealing. LOL. I bought crow soaps scented with cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and the like. This pic was taken in the bathroom so I had to use a flash and it came out yellowy. I bought 4 of and put them in a jar in the bathroom. They were already marked down to $1.99 then an additional 30% off.

I also bought a really yummy smelling candle that smells kinda like popcorn. I also have a coffee, cream, and sugar candle by the same person. I am saving them for fall and winter. I also bought some pods to put in a jar. They were hard to get a good picture of so I'll have to work on that and post a pic later. I also bought a screen door to put on my porch as a decoration. I had to leave it there because we didn't have the room to take it with us. I'll pick it up Tuesday when I'm off work.

Next, we went to the antique store and flea market. I didn't buy anything there, though I did see a lot of stuff. Oh wait I lied I bought a Twix candy bar and a pot scrubbie. LOL. What... I needed my energy. Tiffany found some great stuff that I'm hoping she'll post on her blog too.

So off to our friend Kim's store Salt Creek Mercantile in Fredericksburg. This is the store I wanted pictures of the most. Her store is absolutely gorgeous. She promised she would take pics and email them to me to put on here for you. Anyway, she had her spring summer stuff marked down to 50% off so I picked up these towels...the mustard napkin was from Audrey's Attic.

I did then splurge and pay full price for the broom corn and this awesome coverlet. The broom corn will not be staying here. I just needed some where to put it until I redecorate.

Next we were off to the thrift store in Kidron. But what is a trip to Kidron without getting ice cream at Lehman's. They still had my favorite blueberry waffle cone so we quick got more sugar to keep us going. Tiffany and I ran across the street quick to the flea market and thought the people we saw were way over priced, so we left. The sign out in front of the thrift store said they were having a sale on their fabric, but when we got inside it was all double knits and synthetics. So we were a bit disappointed. Now, this thrift store is in Amish country and they have authentic Amish clothes hence real Amish people shop there. There were a few that day and I was trying to hide the fact that I was looking at the Plain (Amish) clothes rack to see what was there. I just feel funny buying their clothes to use in my home and not for my kids to wear. They do give you weird looks too, so I was hiding behind the rack and watching the one couple walking away before I went up to it. I'm glad I looked on the rack because I found my little boys clothes to go with my dress and bonnet. I don't like the way this looks right now... I need to arrange it or add to it or something. I'm just not sure yet. I'm thinking one of those long baskets or one of Kindra's candle holders she has on her Etsy. Or a Simplify sign up above. Any suggestions???

I also found some great stencils to use on my floor cloths too for $.25 to $.50 a piece.

Now I get up to the counter to pay and low and behold that same Amish couple is standing there too. The same ones giving me the evil eye when I was looking at the Amish clothes. LOL. Oh well, whether I buy it or they buy it the money goes to mission work. But that is just my luck is all.

Sunday was our grocery shopping trip for school lunch food and for me to look at Wal-mart fabric. I wanted to buy some more brown fabric like what I used on my aprons and it was all gone. Bummer!!!!! I am hoping they get more in. Other than that I was slowly starting to take down some of my Spring/Summer decorations and putting away and reorganizing. I am considering moving my furniture around again. I drive my hubby crazy when I move stuff, but I have those great saucer looking movers that I put under the corners and I just start moving away. We'll see once I get everything down and I start with a blank slate.


  1. Wow, That was a great weekend...I want a new coverlet like that in black. Beth

  2. LOL My DH just shakes his head when I move stuff. Then he studies it so he doesn't bang his knee when he gets up in the middle of the night! LOL

    Lots of good stuff there girl! Love it all!

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend ! I love the Amish clothes and the coverlet !

  4. Sounds like you had a busy weekend. Love that soap. I love handmade soap and buy it whenever I can. I've been to Amish Coutry many times but not to Kidron so I guess the next trip I need to be there.
    I feel a road trip coming on.LOL

  5. I just love your blog...I know I would feel funny too if the Amish couple was looking at BTW do you still have a black Amish bonnet for sale? I have extra money this
    Love that coverlet and soap, good idea for putting the soap in a jar! I'll have to do that:)
    I caan't wait to seee your rooms that you are moving around I know they will be fabulous. Oh and that blackberry waffle cone sounds just yummy!

  6. I love all your new goodies!!! That coverlet is gorgeous!! Hope you have a great day!!~Wendy

  7. Wow what a great weekend you had. How fun. Love the coverlet and I like how you hung the amish clothes. I have an Amish quilt I got years ago, just love it to pieces. Great post today, thanks!

  8. Wow you got some great goodies! I love your blog, check out my blog, I have a surprise for you.

  9. Sounds like a great weekend! Love all of your finds, and too funny about the Amish giving you the evil eye! :)

  10. I've been to Audrey's attic a few times and I'm familiar with the Salt Creek Mercantile. Some old stomping grounds of mine from many years ago. Love that area.
    Like your finds and your stories.

  11. great goodies!!
    did you stop at zincks for fabric? i wasnt sure if thats where you were talking about.
    i wish i lived up that way. a friend of mine is on the holmes and wayne county freecycle. the goodies rock!!
    i think a sign that says simplify would look great over the clothes.
    i have the same feeling when we go to the thrift store in millersburg. i always feel weird when they give ya that "look".

  12. Hi Mary,

    I love all your stuff! That sounds like such a fun weekend! I can just imagine the whole scenario with the Amish clothes. That sounds like something I would do too..

    My hubby is the same way about me moving stuff around. He's never quite sure what to expect or what I might bring in! :)


  13. More wonderful goodies! I can't wait to see what you find next!

    Don't forget to show us your "new" rooms ;)

  14. Oh man...That sounds like the perfect weekend...I wish I was there!

    Hey Mary...If you ever see any picture on my blog or if you want me to take a picture of something for your header just let me know...I'll E mail it to you as an attachment. But I also want you to know I DO love the pictures you have had on your header.


  15. What a wonderful weekend you had. I love the look of handmade soaps and they usually smell great too. I would like to find a nice line of yummy smelling candles that don't overpower.
    I really like your coverlet. I'd like to find one in black for my LR. See, I'm slowly converting (smile).

    We have a lot of Hutterite colonies near us and they love the thrift stores. They keep to themselves and don't give the evil eye either. :)


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