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Monday, August 25, 2008

Is the Weekend Over?

So I said I wouldn't be back until Monday because I had things to get done. Well, I tried I honestly did. My son went to my sister's house to spend the night Friday night. Friday night was my 24 hour shift at the station so I got nothing done at home. I came home Saturday morning at 6:30 at went back to bed for another 2 hours. So now my morning was shot. My DD says that she is going to her friend's house to spend the night and she needs to be there by 1pm. I'm thinking this is awesome I will have the afternoon to myself to do something. Hubby is a the farm doing chores so I will get lots done. So I head down to the basement to my craft area. I need to get some crafts done, but I can't see my table. So I figure I need to reorganize this area before sitting down to do anything. I turn on HGTV and figure I'll listen while I work. Ahhhhh.... the silence. I am an hour into cleaning when my parents decide to stop over unannounced. So, I must stop what I'm doing in the basement to come up and talk to them. In the meantime, my sister calls to say she is having a cookout at 5pm and to come over and eat then I could pick up my son. Sounds good to me not having to cook. Well, I keep telling my parents I need to go because they are eating at 5pm. (My parents already had something else planned and weren't going to the cookout.) So, at 7pm my parents decide it is time to go because the restaurant they were going to closed at 8pm so they had better hurry. Yeah, I arrive 2 hours late at my sisters and of course everyone had already eaten. I watch my son ride the four wheeler and dirt bike and came home around 9 pm. Now mind you my basement is still nowhere near done. I was frustrated so I went to bed.

Sunday, I wait for my DD to call to go pick her up and dig in on the basement. I did get it started when my hubby suggested we go to Lowes and wherever I wanted to go. I ended up at Pat Catans and bought a fall wreath for my front door. I saw lots of other stuff I wanted too, but thought I wouldn't bore my hubby any more and return later. While at Lowes we bought some wood to build my son a sand box. He made a remark to my sister about wanting one since her son had one. Well, last night my son and hubby built him a huge sandbox that we'll put under the deck. While they were working on that I came in and finished reorganizing my craft room again! We finally got out much needed rain last night. It hasn't rained in two weeks and the cracks in the ground are huge.

Now I promised I'd show you my thrift store finds so here we go...

My little twiggy wreath...

I got four of these matching place mats. I love the colors for fall. They look practically brand new.

The towel rack, though, I'm debating whether to paint it. It probably won't be staying here either, but I had to put it somewhere. Incidentally... everything but the pitcher and towels were thrift store finds too just nor on this trip.

I love the rag blankets, this one was just awesome at $2.00. I figure I'd buy some RIT dye and make it darker.

Lastly, this is the item I sprinted for... The copper pot. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it but I loved it. It was $3.00. Right now it is inside waiting for a purpose. I figure I'd put some fall stuff in it like pumpkins and gourds.

So there you have it. My thrift store finds for last week. I was pretty proud of myself for only spending a little over $8.00. I am trying so hard not to go today because I know Monday's are when the one shop puts out new stuff. I don't need anymore until I put stuff away and start decorating for fall.


  1. Good stuff Mary, love the pot.

    I always have to fight the urge to go thrifting on Mondays.

  2. Morning,

    Looks like you found some great goodies! I see pumpkins in the pot and sitting on your porch :)

    Enjoy your Monday

  3. OMGoodness - great finds. The copper alone in that pot is worth more than $3! You done good!

  4. I love all your thrifty finds!!! It's so fun to find treasures at such a bargain price!
    I went on Friday and got a few things. I am such a thrift store junkie! :)

  5. Mary,

    Your weekend made me feel very tired reading about it! 2 hours of sleep after working all night? That doesn't sound like enough...when do you ever get enough sleep? lol!

    You did very well with your thrift finds...I especially love the copper pot! That will look great decked out for fall!

    I hope you have a great productive week!


  6. I hate to get the wind knocked out of my sails when I am doing somethign! LOL! I see I'm not alone. Some people welcome the distraction, but I like to finish what I start.
    You got some great stuff at the thrift stores! It's always fun to see what you plan to do with them.
    Have a great day!

  7. Yeah, I had a weekend like yours... My computer totally crashed.Wouldn't work at all till we figured it out and got replacement parts! I had a zoned out look on my face for 2 days while it was down-I felt like I wasn't connected. So I cleaned like a crazy woman. Wish I would have gone thrifting like you-Love your buys!
    Here's to a great Monday for both of us! :)

  8. I like all your finds and your ideas for them. As usual. Isn't it funny that our schedule often takes on a life of it's own and how funny to think we are in control. Happens to me all the time.
    glad I'm not the only one.

  9. That sounds like how most of my weekends go. I have big plans to get stuff done, but it never seems to happy and then Monday comes and I feel completely overwhelmed. I love your thrift finds especially the wreath. I can wait to see how you decorate your front porch for fall.

  10. Mary, I am right there with you, only I think you win the prize this week for a crazy life! I was just coming in, face blazing from weeding in sweats, grouchy that my day started so late, due to the same kinda things that held you up, gotta love 'em though, huh? You made me feel better, as I just had my shower, face is cooling down, and I'm relaxing, thinking of your weekend LOL. Karen

  11. Karen... to funny I'm glad it made you feel better about your day!!! Only today it got worse. I am in the middle of tearing down my summer decorations and redecorating for fall, but now it just isn't speaking to me so everything is in a big mess.

  12. $3.00 for that pot, what a steal. You did great.

  13. What a weekend! I hope you get into your fall decorating rhythm this week -- especially with all of those new treasures to find homes for... Good luck with the basement too!

  14. Love your finds, Mary!! I might put mums in the pot. Mind you, I have never in my life bought mums!

  15. Mary, thanks for the note and your prayers. You always get the best stuff at your thrift shps!! Wow! Have fun redoing them :)

    Take care,


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