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Friday, September 26, 2008

And the Winner Is...

Thank you to everyone who entered my Welcome Home, 100th Post, Happy Birthday Giveaway. I enjoyed visiting all of the new blogs I found. I also want to thank everyone for the thoughts and comments on my last post about some decisions I need to make. Hey this is suppose to be a happy post so I need to quit with the sappy stuff. So... everyone who entered went into my bowl...

My assistant aka... my son picked the lucky winner....

drum roll please........


Rondell from Tomato Creek Prims is the winner. Hmmmm.... I think I might already have your address. LOL. Congrats!!!!

Well, I was going to tell about Louisiana today, but I think I'll write the post over the weekend and post it Monday. I need to get my pictures and story together. You will laugh, cry, and be glad you weren't me. LOL.

Last night was parent teacher conferences at the schools. Of course hubby worked and didn't go. So I had to go to my DD's first then rush to my DS conference after at a different school across town. I always feel weird at conferences. It's hard to explain, but I feel like my Mom should be there. I don't feel old enough to be going to conferences. Now I've been doing it for 8 years now and I still am not comfortable with them. I have never had a bad experience and all the teachers say my kids are doing great. This year was no exception. My kids are getting As and Bs with the exception of my DD with a C in Math. The only reason is that she forgot to turn in her homework one time and got a zero. I told her that she needs to be better organized and her teacher is going to help her every morning doing so. She won't listen to me, but will listen to others. Hmmm.... stubborn I have no idea where that comes from.

They just built a new house in the lot behind us and today they were out plowing and trying to put the lawn in. Well, my son loves tractors and saw that they were out there so he grabbed a folding chair and headed out back to watch. See the little red dot that is my son out in the backyard watching the people behind us. It was too funny yet embarassing as we have not met these people yet. He said they waved at him.

Check back Monday for the continuing saga of Louisiana...


  1. I thought for sure I was going to win, did I forget to enter? Oh well, I already have one of your sheep so I guess it's only fair to let someone else have it. LOL

  2. Ok, Im making the trip down to PA to hold Rondell hostage for her goodies:)

    Congrats Rondell!!!

    Have a great weekend

  3. Oh, my goodness, I entered but didn't expect to win Mary! When I scrolled down I just couldn't believe it:) Yes, I'm jumping up and down here well, sitting jumping up and down:) Thanks so much and I can't wait to recieve your great prim stuff.
    Thank your son too for picking my name, hug & kiss to him. I always like to see kids interested in something besides video games, neat that he sat there to watch:)

  4. Congrats to the winner. Have a great weekend. Dianntha

  5. congrats rondell!! i wonder if i could interecept the mailman?? teehee

    i love the pics of your that would be my youngest daughter..... :)
    i used to hate going to parent /teacher conf. i think it was the whole idea of having someone tell me about my kids, especially if it was a problem. or maybe i was always worried , especially when they were younger, what they told the teacher about their crazy family. lol

  6. Rondell!?! She just won my little ornie! That lucky lady (I think I'd better change my name...) Congratulations, Rondell!!

  7. I cracked up over you son sitting out there in the chair. My son used to do things like this! He is 22 now!
    Hope you have a great weekend Mary,

  8. Congrats to Rondell - you items will look great in her home!!

    Looking forward to your next post!

  9. That sweet Rondell is some kind of LUCKY! She won something from my giveaway, too!! :):)

    The picture of your son is cute!

    I am glad your kids are doing well and the conferences went good. Those conferences always give me such a conflicted feeling. You want to hear that your children are doing well, but half expect that something will be wrong. I always hear how "chatty" my Ragan is. (Like I didn't already know that! haha!)

    Hope all is well with you! Happy day, my friend! :)

  10. Congrats to lucky duck! LOL

    I, too, feel strange at Parent Teacher conferences. It seems unbelievable each year that another year has passed....

    The picture of your son sitting there on the chair watching is too funny!

    Have a great weekend!


  11. Oh I'm cracking up over your son and him sitting out there! My son SO would do the same thing but would beg for a tractor ride until those people just felt like they had too!

    Congrats Rondell! You lucky thang!
    Have a wonderful weekend Mary!
    Blessings & hugs,

  12. Lucky girl...Rondell! Congratulations! :)

    Your little boy reminds me EXACTLY of Joy. She would be out there scoping things out waiting for them to talk to her! She has always done that in Dr.'s offices. She would inch closer to folks until they finally talked to her! She gets that from my grandpa!

    Well have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Congrats Rondell! It sure is a great prize apckage of goodies!

    Too funny about your son in the chair watching the neighbors! Love the pics!

  14. That lucky girl - Rondell! I tell you what! I know she will love her prize!

    The picture with your son as the "red dot" was too cute! In his folding chair and all!

  15. hooray...congrats rondell, you lucky thing!!!

  16. Congatulations to Rondell!

    I can completely identify with your feelings at teacher/parent conferences. My kids are grown now, but I can still remember the feeling I got at each of those, as if I were the child, rather than the parent. To this day, when I step into a school, I get that odd feeling, like I'm a kid again and I better watch my p's and q's! ;-)

    I love the picture of your son! It reminds me of a similar picture I have of my own son when he was about 9 years old, only he was sitting and facing a pond with a fishing pole in his hand. He never got a bite, yet never lost patience in just sitting there. Thanks for the memory. ;-)

  17. Hi --
    I am out blog hopping and found my way here. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Stop over and visit me sometime. Congrats Rondell on your win!!!


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