My Pages

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Giveaway Reminder...

Remember you have until 7pm Eastern time tonight to enter my giveaway. I will draw the winner tomorrow and post on Friday!!!!


  1. Mary,

    I just wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, and say that I am honoured to know you have put a link to me on your blog roll!!

    Also, I just posted a new giveaway on my blog, and I know how very busy you are, but thought that you might like to enter the draw since it is for a penny rug kit:)

    I was also thrilled to read that you have made some decisions about work/online work and life, and posted about them on your blog. When we read about other 'regular' people with the same problems that we all struggle with, it is somehow comforting. One thing that I have learned over the past 2 years since I got sick, is that I can't do it all, and have to pick and choose what is most important to ME, and what will make me happiest in the long run.

    Sorry for blabbing on and on, but when you wrote to me I visited your blog felt like you were a kindred spirit:)

    Have a great day Mary,


  2. Hi Mary, great to hear from you!
    Yes, I do have camo... (just got a giggle from the Charlie Brown tunes..) I have green and blue camo, I just checked, but I can't put my hands on the pink, although I should have some.
    The shoulder sets are $20 and should only cost $3 or $4 or so to ship.
    Let me know whenever you know!
    Blessings, Kimberly

  3. ...pick me for your draw and I'm sure we can work something out with the bib...


  4. Mary....I can't believe I almost missed your giveaway and all your goodies please enter my name.

  5. I think I'm entered?! If not, enter me!!! Hope you are well!

  6. dont forget me....:)

    i am loving that sheep!!!
    p.s.s ya know he would look great next to my goose!! hint hint
    i could call it my,
    "collection of mary" shelf.

  7. I hope I win!!!:0) Have a great night!!~Wendy

  8. Still crossing fingers and toes to win!!! julie

  9. I just clicked on the picture in your sidebar to see photos of your home. It is FABULOUS! You are blessed with amazing creative abilities!


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