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Friday, September 5, 2008

Here's Another Recipe from Grandma...

I promised a Fat Friday so here is another one from my Grandma. Since I am in the fall mood I thought this would be appropriate.

Cinnamon Apples
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
3 Tablespoons cinnamon (candy drops)
1 teaspoon red food coloring (optional)
6 apples peeled and sliced

Make a syrup of above ingredients then add apples.

That's it... I've never tried it, but I would suppose you could cook the apples too. I might have to make after I get my fall apples from the orchard.

So I have to ask all you Moms a question... Do your kids sing while they are in the bathroom? LOL. My computer is in the basement which is under my first floor bathroom. I'm minding my own business typing away and I hear my 9 y.o singing the Star Spangled Banner while he's sitting on the toilet. I thought I was gonna fall off my chair I was laughing so hard. I needed that good laugh.

I also want to thank another new friend Rosemary from Prim Thymes for also giving me the Primitive Excellence award. If you haven't been to see her yet make sure you do as she is decorating for fall and it is fabulous.


  1. My mom also made these every fall ..a big hit at our house too. We slice the apples ( 8-10 Jonathans a favorite for this) and lightly fry them in 3 tsp butter in a fry pan...then add one cup candy red hots and 1/4 cup water to steam them and help dissolve the red hots. Can be served either warm or cool... we love them!!

  2. That is too funny, but yes, my daughter always sang in the weirdest places too.

  3. those apples sound great!!
    omg, he was singing and using the bathroom?/!! thats so funny!!

  4. I just love your Grandma's recipes!

    Yes, my kids sing all over the house but seem to really sing when in the bathroom-Funny the songs they come up with though isn't it...
    Have a great weekend Mary,

  5. LOLOLOL - yup my kids did that too - it brought back hilarious memories!

    Okay what blog belongs to your new friend Rosemary?!!

  6. My son sings everywhere!
    I can just smell those apples....

  7. I guess if you're into apples, then maybe a caramel apple cider will fit nicely into one of your new Green Sleeves, as long as you remember to share the other with a friend!

    In other words, YOU WON! Congratulations... I hope you like them!

    If you send me your address, they'll go in the mail on Monday morning and be there in time for coffee...

    Blessings, Kimberly

    PS I love your blog! Your work is amazing...

  8. The Star Spangled Banner must be on the top 10 this week! Just tonite my kids and I were singing it on the way home. And yes, my kids do sing and drive me crazy! Chantel is at this minute singing with headphones on, right next to me, off key!

  9. Can't wait to see what your idea was for winter curtains;)
    The apple recipe sounds great, and yes mine sang in the shower too.

  10. I love how kids sing like nobody is listening! The recipe sounds YUM-O!

  11. Yes, how funny, my 11 1/2 year old sings our national anthem in both English and French (and the American one too), in the bathroom. Good to hear he is not the only one:)

  12. Mary, stop on over to my blog & pick up your award. I think your blog rocks!!

  13. i wanted to tell you that i finally had time to sit and watch your slideshow of your have done it up really looked have an eye for as far as the singing goes...i loved the story... but so far... i have not heard a peep out of my grandkids when they are on the pot...

  14. Mary,

    That recipe sounds alot like one I've made, but it has orange juice in it too. It makes your house smell good too, I bet!

    Yes, my kids do sing in the bathroom...both of them...actually Joy sings and dances all the time! Your son picked a good song to sing (and a hard one!) :)

    Have a great week!

  15. YES!!!!!!!!! Aften sings in the bathroom. I have you one-upped though, she sings in the public bathrooms! LOL And it echoes and I think that's why she likes it. She hums as she's going to the bathroom and occasionally says stuff that just makes me bust up laughing. Like once she reminded me, from the next stall to wipe the seat if I pee on it. A few months ago we were in Lowe's and I hear her, "Geez, people! Doesn't anyone know how to flush a toilet?!" What a kid!

    I need to go check out our apple tree! It should have apples on it and I want to do apple crisp and pie. Oh, and my Mom used to just slice up apples and add cinnamon and sugar and send that to school with me in my lunch! Yummy. Just something simple but so good.

    Have a great day!

  16. Yum, the recipe sounds good, have to give it a try!
    My 4 yr old will sing on the potty, but really she sings What she does do that is funny is she will cover the seat with little squares of toilet paper, which is fine in public restrooms BUT....sometimes she does it at our house and relatives homes. It's too funny, our home toilet covered in TP so she can sit on it. My bathroom is spotless I promise you!!lol



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