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Friday, September 5, 2008

Fat Friday... I Forgot My Recipe at Home

I did paint my tater bin yesterday, but it's not done completely to show you. I actually got inspiration from one of my new Judy Condon books. My son even said it looked cool. So I just need to decide if I want to add or just sand and darken it and see what happens. So here is how far I've gotten...

Sorry about the quality of the picture. My flash was leaving a white mark and you couldn't see anything. But this was my inspiration... a Spitler design somewhat that I have done.

Well, my DD got voted on to student council as a representative for the choir/band. She was running for President, but thought that if she got president she wouldn't be able to represent the choir so she dropped out. Bless her heart. She is so excited. I am excited for her. You have no idea what a different kid this is than just 2 years ago. She hated school, didn't want to get up, hated life so forth and so on. Since we moved to this new school she is totally different. Her guidance counselor started a social skills class at school that she is attending. This is where her Asperger's comes in to play. You and I as adults would be tolerant, but teenagers are brutal. This will help her learn how to respond to people. This is hard to explain, but she can not interpret body language and facial expressions. So she has no idea when people are being mean or trying to ignore her. They are doing role play on how to react to different situations. I can't believe it a school willing to help my child. You all have no idea what I went through with the last school. Anyway, my son is thriving and not getting into trouble for talking. Imagine that my son a talker. LOL. I have no idea where he got that from. He is getting quite the attitude and a mouth that is gonna get smacked for talking back. Not really, but he has been getting in to trouble for it. But I am so proud of both of them for doing well in school so far.

Well, I ran off and forgot my recipe today that I was going to post. So I will have to add it when I get home from work tonight. So if you'd like to check back later this evening I will get one posted. I know you just can't wait... LOL.


  1. Hurrah, for you Mary, what a releif that you found a school that actually recognizes the problem and wants to help:)
    That potatoe bin is wonderful, you are so talented.

  2. I vote for sand and darken. But that is way cool! Great job!!!

    Congrats to Mary!!!


  3. I love that Tater Bin...can't wait to see it completed!

  4. Love that tater bin! You found a great treasure and worked some Mary magic. :) It sounds like your kids are getting along well in school. It's great that the school is working with your daughter. Sometimes the real world can be like high school. Ha! Have a great weekend!

  5. I love to sand and darken, great job! Can you paint mine for me? I started it a month ago and abandoned it in the garage.

  6. I am glad honestly to hear your good news. What a blessing to have your school meet some of your daughter's needs. That is so wonderful when that happens. Don't worry about the recipe, there is more time left!!! We always check your blog, so when you post it you post it! Like your potatoe bin, very creative!

  7. I am so happy to hear that your kids are thriving at their new school. I know how it feels to have someone else (and not family!) take a vested interest in your child's well being. I am tickled to think she is on the student council. Just think of the way she will raise awareness about her disability!
    I am just so happy for you!!!

  8. Looks like your design is going really must be adventures!!lol I will watch for your recipe. Diantha

  9. Oh Mary, I already came here touched by what you said to me when you commented and now I am smiling ear to ear to know that your DD has made Student council! How exicting for her. I am so glad school is so much better for her now.

    Can't wait to see what you decide for the bin!

  10. Mary,
    I really like the tator bin...though I agree with some of the other girls...sand and darken.
    So glad the school system is working for your daughter and son.That must be give you a lot of peace to know they are trying.

    To answer your question about the yellow tomato preserves...I think it has more of a sweet taste than tomato

  11. Mary,
    I really like the tator bin...though I agree with some of the other girls...sand and darken.
    So glad the school system is working for your daughter and son.That must be give you a lot of peace to know they are trying.

    To answer your question about the yellow tomato preserves...I think it has more of a sweet taste than tomato

  12. First of all, I am so glad that your DD is having a good year already and is getting the ehlp she needs.

    And your tater bin is so cute! I am a big fan of darkening and distressing, so that's probably what I would do. But your pattern is so precise and had to be a great deal of work, so you have to decide on this one. Either way, I think it is awesome!


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