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Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Website Items

My SIL Tiffany from Tiffany's Primitive Place has made some awesome Halloween items that she is allowing me to sell on my website. So if you decorate for Halloween with mummies or Frankenstein make sure you check it out. Just so you know two of my bonnets and apron sets have been made re available for sale. Please visit if you haven't Gettysburg Homestead

Here's a sneak peak of Tiffany's items...

Julie has also been so kind as to give me the Primitive Excellence award. I am so thrilled each time one of you thinks of me and awards me. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be an inspiration as normally everyone else inspires me. LOL. I guess what goes around comes around. But since I've already participated, if you don't already have this award please post it on your blog from me!

Well, today I have been catching up on laundry, running errands, and painting. I am so not in a creative mode lately. I hate this. There are so many ideas swimming around up in the old head, but I can't seem to be able to get the supplies out and start. I have been just so tired and have lost all energy. Maybe I'm just ready for the cooler weather to start and this hot dry weather to end. Heck I couldn't even muster up the energy to go to Goodwill today. You know it's bad when that happens. LOL. Well, I best get busy with something to make it look like I've accomplished something today.


  1. Well surprise now you have two!!

    Check out my latest posting!

  2. Oh...I just LOVE the Mummy!!!
    He is so CUTE!
    I must go and check out your site. I was over the other day and really like your items.


  3. OOOOOOOOH, how spooky! I love them both! Your blog is great, love your decorating.

  4. Sometimes you just need a little break....I get that way sometimes. I have a notebook that I jot down the ideas I have (so I wont forget...heehee!) and then, when the creative juices start flowing, I know what to do.
    I agree with the hot weather...I am SOOO ready for the triple digit temps to go away! I was so hot today while running errands that I didn't stop at the Goodwill either! I hope there weren't any fun treasures that I missed!

  5. I have those days and weeks, too. I blame it on overload!! Hope you had a great day. Julie


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