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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Still Here!!!

Sorry for not updating you all on what I've been doing, but I haven't had any computer access until now. One of the other firemen with me let me use his computer.

We (all of the Ohio strike teams) are in what is called staging in Alexandria LA. We are sitting here doing nothing until they decide if we are needed elsewhere. So to be honest we are bored out of our minds. We are sleeping on army type cots and none of us are young pups anymore. We wake up every day with back aches and muscle pain. We are eating food provided by FEMA, which sometimes OK most times isn't great. We have been treated really well by most of the residents and they are truly happy to see us. They are very accomodating and the true southern hospitality is true.

We still have no idea when we are coming home as the state of LA really likes the Ohio team as they have sent home PA and MD teams already. I will try to post pics as I can when I come home.

Thanks for thinking of us and I'll try to keep you updated.


  1. I was off on vacation when you took off. I will be keeping you and your fellow workers in my thoughts and prayers for a safe return. It's so great that you are able to make a difference down there. So sad to watch on t.v.

  2. So glad to hear you are OK - except for the cots and boredom. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers my friend!

  3. I am so glad you are all safe, Mary. It's a shame you don't have something to work on to relieve the boredom, but with all that is going on maybe boredom is a good thing. Stay safe.


  4. Miss you, Mary! Glad you hear you're okay and I'll be praying you can come home soon! Sorry about the cots....and boredom! Glad we got to hear from you!


  5. So glad to hear from you Mary and that everyone is treating you so well! Sorry about the cots and food too, can't wait until you can post all about it. Take care!

  6. heya mary!! take lost of pics! tell those folks that we, in ohio, are thinking of them!!
    stay safe, kim

  7. Very glad to hear you are safe, Mary! I am sure these are very hard, trying, and tiring times! I hope things start to improve so you can get back home. Sending lots of prayers your way!


  8. Blessings and hugs to you and your crew. I'm sure you will be blessed for your efforts. Just think how wonderful your own bed will feel when you get home. I won't take mine for granted as much. Thanks for your service. julie

  9. Mary,
    I hope you get some sort of word one way or another soon. Waiting stinks! I'm happy to hear that you are doing well and are having a good experience.

    Hope you get home soon!


  10. Mary, you are one of the most selfless people I don't know. I hope you stay safe and get to come home soon.

  11. Glad to hear you are okay...Except the cots! Ugh! I feel your pain!
    Hope you hear something soon about the plans they have for you (like going home!)
    Take Care,

  12. I hope you are able to come home soon. I cannot even imagine what it is like for you or for the victims of the storm.
    And army cots? Eegads! I would be crippled by now! Bless your hearts!
    Take care and know that many are keeping you all covered in prayer.

  13. You are doing God's work out there. My prayers are with you.

  14. You all are angels. Bless you

  15. I am hoping they will let you come home soon! I know you are doing good work!Beth

  16. Happy to hear from ya Mary! Prayin' you can go home soon. We miss ya in the bloggin world!

  17. So happy to hear that you are well, Mary! You're amazing.



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