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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome Home...100th Post ...Happy Birthday Giveaway

Hey everyone as you can see by the name of the post I am home. Since my post on Wednesday we were released several hours later to come home. We started out at 4pm Wednesday afternoon and we arrived home at 12:00pm Thursday. My partner and I drove through the night to get home. My shower and bed never felt so good. I spent yesterday trying to catch up on laundry and cleaning my house. I 'm still working on it today too.First of all Thank You everyone for leaving me comments. It was awesome to open my email and find all of you thinking of me(us). I had comments from both my blogger friends and non-blogger friends. It was so appreciated you will never know!!!!!

Anyway, I'm not in the mood to tell you about he events as I am in the mood for a giveaway. I promised a 100th post giveaway...well... aren't you lucky because today is my birthday too. So, if you'd like to leave me a comment on this post you will be entered. Remember my non blogging friends you can still enter just leave me an anonymous comment with your name. What I will do is make this a monitored comment post so if you'd like me to not post your comment I won't just let me know. Since I've been away I'll leave it open until Wednesday at 7pm Eastern time. I will post the winner on Friday of next week.

In this giveaway you will receive the brown and cream tan checked towel, yummy creme brulee rosehips,cinnamon sticks, and star wax melts, two grubby mustard candles, one handmade sheep by yours truly, and some awesome smelling black raspberry soap, and last but not least 3 small Indian corn cobs. Who knows I may end up throwing in some other stuff too by the time I pick the winner. I just didn't have time to make anything else before today.


  1. 100! YEAH!
    And... I love the cheerful music in the background! ;-)

  2. 100! YEAH!
    And... I love the cheerful music in the background! ;-)

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Mary, and Welcome Home! I bet your bed did feel good. Glad you are home safe and sound. Please enter me in your giveaway & I will also post it on my blog. It's an awesome giveaway & I hope I'm the lucky winner, LOL.


  4. welcome back and congratulations on the 100th post! cindy B

  5. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday and congrats on your 100th post. I'm in on the giveaway!!!! Welcome home!!!

  6. What a great birthday-100th post giveaway. Please include my name. Can't believe I'm first to make a comment. Julie Ehrhart

  7. Happy Birthday, Happy 100th, and Welcome Home! You sure put together a wonderful fall package of goodies! Please include me in your drawing. Thanks so much.

  8. Oh WOW...100th post and a Birthday!
    Happy Birthday to you! It is nice to see you back home, safe and sound. I bet the family were some happy to see you :)

    Don't work to hard today, as it being your birthday.

    Please do enter me into your giveaway and what a wonderful one at that.


  9. Happy Birthday!! Glad you made it home safely and in time for your special day!! Congrats on 100 posts.
    Have a great weekend!!

  10. Happy Happy Birthday Mary!
    I'm SOOOOO happy you are safe and sound at home celebrating your birthday! Such great news!
    Happy 100th post too!
    Please sign me up for your goodies-I would love to have a Mary original sheep (among all the other things)
    Have a happy wonderful birthday!

  11. Glad you made it home safe and sound!

  12. I'm so glad you are home safely Mary, and Happy Birthday to you as well as your 100th post:)
    Yes, enter me in this wonderful giveaway and I'll post it on my blog tomorrow!

  13. Too cool! Happy Everything Mary!

  14. WELCOME HOME! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so glad that you are home and can celebrate your birthday with your family. Have a great day!

  15. Glad you are home safe.
    I am a September baby also. Happy Birthday. Hope it is a very happy one. Please enter me into your wonderful drawing.Great items, have a relaxing weekend, Janie

  16. I'm glad you made it home safe and Happy Birthday ! What a great giveaway ~ I love it all !Hope I win!

  17. Welcome home!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!:0) And congratsa on your 100th post!!! Hope your family are treating you really special!!! Thank you for the awesome giveaway.....I sure hope I win!!! Have a wonderful day!!~Wendy

  18. Happy Birthday!

    I collect primitive black-faced sheep. I'm a rug hooker and just love to surround myself with them in my studio. If I don't win your drawing, do you have a pattern you can share for the sheep?

  19. Happy Birthday and Welcome Home, Mary! And what a wonderful giveaway! Count me in, please.

  20. stop by my blog, I have an award for you

  21. 100!!!! Great number!! Congrats!

  22. Mary, I'm so glad you're home! I missed ya!

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on the 100th post!

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  23. I've been a lurker (I need to get me a blog!) and I've been sending prayers your family's way! So glad you are home safe, Happy Birthday to you and congrats on your 100th post!

    I'd love to be entered, thanks a bunch!

    S. Kostich

  24. Happy Birthday, and welcome home! Congrats on your 100th post...would love to be included in the giveaway....blessings, kathy(HomeOnTheHill)

  25. Happy Birthday !!!!

  26. Welcome Back! And Happy Birthday!! And Happy 100th post! Woo Hoo!! And what a way to celebrate with this awesome giveaway!

    It's so good to see you are home safe and sound.

  27. Happy Birthday and Welcome Home!!

    Please enter me in your giveaway

  28. OH girl - I am so glad to see you are home safe and sound! That is the best thing I could have read over here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY 100th. What a neat prim giveaway. I'd b honored to have something from you in my home so please enter me.

    Again - welcome Home!! :-)

  29. Hey Mary!

    Check out my've been tagged and awarded!


  30. great giveaway mary!
    but, the best part is knowing that you are back home-safe & sound!!! try to get some rest this weekend.
    hugs, kim

  31. Welcome back. I lurk around on your blog from time to time. Found you through Linda's blog, I think. Please enter me in your is great!

    Carolee LeBlanc

  32. I am SOOOOO glad you are and sound!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! I hope you do something wonderful to celebrate!

    Thanks for the fab giveaway! I would love to enter, knowing full well my chances are slim to none of winning. All I'm saying is, that no one wants to take me to Vegas with them....:):):)

    Talk to you soon,

  33. I am just finding you and your blog.

    Glad that you are home.

    Pleae enter me in your contest.

    Pat in Tenn

  34. Mary,
    I am so glad you made it back safely!! Happy Birthday by the way and thanks for the giveaway!!

  35. I found your blog via The Noble Wife and look forward to reading more. Happy Birthday and a Happy Welcome Home!! I'd love to be entered in your Giveaway! How nice of you to share so many lovely things!

  36. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

    I would love the chance to win your cute items, please enter my name....thanks, jenn

  37. Welcome home and glad you are okay. Happy Birthday as well! Please enter me in your contest; I would love to win your beautiful items! Thank you for being generous of heart and spirit; you left the comfort of your home to help others in their time of need and even though that is your job normally ( to help others) I am sure you could have begged off from such a long journey, but you didn't ; and that shows the true nature of your dedication. Thank you for showing us true generosity. Merrie

  38. Happy Birthday and I'm so glad you're home safe and sound. Please enter me! What a great giveaway!
    Blessings, Kimberly

    ...have you recieved your Green Sleeves yet? If not, I hope they make it to you very soon!

  39. Holly Cow girl look how popular you are getting, I see 39 comments so far on this post!

    So glad you are home safely and in your own bed again.
    Great giveaway, I almost bought some indian corn yesterday but they wanted 10.00 for three ears. Enter me please.

  40. JoAnne Carter sent me to your blog. What an amazing thing you do. Glad you are back safely, and I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

  41. Happy birthday!!!!!!:) please add me to your blog giveaway...I love the goodies you have chosen...happy 100th!

  42. Happy Happy Birthday!! Welcome home too. Please count me in on your wonderful giveaway!!! I hope I'm the lucky winner!

  43. I think your blog layout is just A-dorable!! Please enter me in your great giveaway!

  44. hi..i just ran across your blog from tomatoe creek prims. it is so cute! i'm always looking for more favorites and yours just may be a new one:) happy birthday to ya and welcome home...what an awesome thing to do! i admire your courage and heroism. also, please enter me in your sweet to do! all the things are so cute too! <3Lauren

  45. Congrats on your 100th blog!
    I love reading it daily;) Please enter me in your giveaway-I bet the stuff smell scrumptious!!!!!!

  46. Happy 100th post! So glad that you're home safely. And if you enter me in your giveaway, I won't complain! LOL


  47. Hi Mary!
    I'm so glad you are home, safe & sound! I sure did miss reading your posts!

    Aww you are such a sweetie for giving such wonderful goodies away on your birthday! And congrats on the 100th post! I just did my 50th! YAY! I hope all of your birthday wishes came true!
    Birthday hugs!

  48. I'm glad you are home and had a safe trip. Please enter me in your give-away. I love your blog!

  49. Happy belated Birthday Mary!! I hope you had a wonderful day! So glad to see you're back home safe and sound too!! Please enter me in your awesome give-away.


  50. Happy Birthday to you! What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in! I love your blog! Thanks so very much and have a lovely night!


  51. Happy, happy birthday, baby; in the song lyrics of Ronnie Milsap.
    Glad you are safely home. Hope things normalize....soon!
    Please enter me in your giveaway.
    It looks to be a great list of prims.

  52. So glad that you are home and safe, Mary!

    Happy Birthday! You just can never get enough of them, can you?

    Happy 100th post too! I'll be sure to post your very nice giveaway.


  53. Glad to hear you made it back safely. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your giveaway goodies. Pick me! LOL Happy Belated B-Day.

  54. Happy Birthday! and congrats on your 100th post. Its nice to know you're back safe and sound. Please include me in your giveaway. Prim Blessings,


  55. Mary,

    I am so happy to hear that you are home! I'm sure it felt so good to walk through that door!

    Congrats on the 100th post, too :) Very nice giveaway you are having and sure I'll join in :)


  56. Welcome Home Mary and Happy Birthday to you!!! Congrats on a 100th post as well. Oh please let me win! LOL
    GLad you are home, we missed ya!

  57. Happy B-Day!

    Please enter me into yoru Contest!

    Glad you got home safe :)

    Enjoy your Monday,

  58. Found your give away on Lea's blog so came on over to see what it was all about and Happy Belated Birthday.

    100th post congratulations!!

  59. Mary,
    Happy Birthday and what a wonderful and generous way to celebrate it.


    2) Congrats on the 100th post!
    3) You're and sound! Hooray!!!

  61. First time seeing your blog. Love the music. Will be checking it out when I have more time. Would love to be a winner. Thanks for the chance. Kathy

  62. Welcome home, and happy birthday to you...a little belated!

    I would just love to win the giveaway that you are offering, I have just discovered your blog, and must add you to my feed for a daily read:)

  63. Happy belated birthday! Your goodies look awesome!

    I arrived here via Lea at Farmhouse Blessings. I'm enjoying perusing your blog! :-)

  64. I love the giveaway! Thank you for offering it to everyone!
    Jessica T

  65. Glad to see you made it safely back home! This is such a neat giveaway ~ please enter my name and enjoy being back home!

  66. Congrats on the 100th post!!! AND a big Happy Birthday to you!! What a great giveawy!! Please enter me!!

  67. Congratulations on your 100th post, welcome home and HaPpY bIrThDaY! I've enjoyed reading your blog and hope that you'll come visit mine. I've added you to my list of blogs. I hope you don't mind.
    I'm far from my 100th post, but I'll get there someday!
    Please come visit me.
    Hugs & Blessings,

  68. wow! What a great giveaway!!Happy birthday and congrats on your 100th post! Please enter me:) Hope you have a blessed evening!!

  69. happy birthday. glad you got back safe and sound. please enter me in your giveaway. patti(pjrusty)

  70. Happy 100!!

    I wish you many hundreds more!


  71. Lovely giveaway! Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 100 posts!


  72. Happy birthday..i hope you had a wonderful day and a big welcome home. Safe and sound!!!
    Love to be entered into your draw..that would be great to win sucha
    luv Ann.xx

  73. If the giveaway is still on....I'm IN! Please enter me.
    I'm catchin' up on your blog today.
    So glad you are back safe and sound and thanks for your service.

  74. I love your blog, congrats on hitting 100! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a sweet prize! Suzie

  75. I love the colors on your blog. You can count me in on the giveaway

  76. I would love to win your give-away. Crossing finger and toes. I especially like the little sheep. thanks julie

  77. i came upon your blog from Farmhouse Blessings!

    i was reading your most recent post... i am NOT a phone person either! and i don't even really have any close female friends other than family either. i think i was burnt so many times by "friends" over the years that i am just really hesitant to open up.

    i applaud you for being in the EMS! i can hardly even stand to look at someone's cut or stitches (i get the heebie jeebies!)... i can't even imagine having to deal with emergencies! props to you!!

  78. Mary,

    Happy Birthday and what an awesome blog you have. This is an amazing give-away..m..

  79. Hi Mary,
    Glad you got home safe and sound!
    Happy 100th Blog! Love your blog.
    Sign me up for the drawing!

  80. So glad to see you back home and safe!

  81. OMG!!! I don't know how I missed this post!...I must be included....I love them items!...however, I never win anything so I am sending some sticky glue for you to put on my piece of paper...that way when you put your hands into the pot...I WIN!!!!...hehehehehehehe

  82. Happy Birthday, and congratulations on 100 posts!


  83. Wow, you have a lot of people signed up but enter me anyways....and happy birthday. Glad you are back too. Dianntha

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. See! I've been so busy, I didn't even know you were having a giveaway..I'm probably too late to enter. :o{ Its 7:55 here... boo hoo. If I'm not too late- Please enter me! Justina

  86. Congrats on your 100th post!!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! I would love to be entered if it isn't to late!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.