So I tried to take pictures of the lodge because it was just beautiful this time of the year. The name was Bear Creek State Lodge in Mt. Sterling Ohio. And yes Linda I used a flash with my camera. LOL. It was very hard to get the entire front in one shot. I so looked like a tourist taking these pictures. I had to tell a couple of the guys to either get in the picture or get out because I was posting them on the computer. Needless to say you won't see anyone in any of the pictures. LOL. Oh yeah Kimberly close your eyes you can't see the pictures. LOL.

The view as you walk in the doors. You have this little seating area that over looks a huge lake. The seating area had a fireplace, low lighting, nature sounds (music) playing softly, lodge type furniture to sit in. So relaxing.

This was looking to the right as you walk in. There was a restaurant that had a wall of windows to overlook the lake, a bar with huge TVs to watch the game, and of course a gift shop.

Looking to the left those windows overlooked the outdoor pool. There was also an indoor pool, workout room, and hot tub that I saw.

On my way to my room I saw this huge quilt hanging above one of the exits. Each square was made by a child then put into this quilt. It was so amazing and of course not being a good photographer this picture doesn't do it justice.

My room which was on the first floor. Now I am sorry, but I don't think I would pay $159.00 a night to stay here during the peak season. It was nice, but not that nice. LOL. Alright I'm a cheap skate you can say it. LOL.

The view from my patio. Now there were two chairs out here and a table. AHHHH.... how nice if you were a person with no legs. One of the chairs(the one you see in the above picture) was pushed up against the railing. There was no other place to put it so that a normal person could sit in it. How relaxing sitting Indian style in a lawn chair on a patio. The other chair was ok for me since I was short. The patios were a really weird shape. On the brighter side it was a beautiful view.

All in all the seminar was pretty good. It was about speaking in public to the media on a large incident such as school shootings, or the attacks in NY, or an incident such as this. Yep imagine me on TV. LOL. It's kinda like the presidential debates you'd get up and change the channel. LOL. OH POOH!!! It's Fat Friday again. DUH!!!! I'll post a recipe this weekend as I am at work then have a Halloween party to go to at my old neighbor's house.