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Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Monday!!!!

The trees are finally starting to change color here in my neck of the woods. Like I said I took a drive last Thursday through Amish Country and it looked like this...

Not much change...

This is actually my road...

But then I woke up Sunday morning and looked out from my porch and saw this...

See where those three trees are that is where my house originally sat back about ten years ago.

Our furnace is not yet hooked up I guess we need some parts from Lowe's. Yesterday was quite the day. How many of you can say you grocery shopped twice in the same day. Now I do not like shopping so this was a nightmare. We went to Wally World in the next town over. We spent an hour or more walking through the mecca which has just been remodeled trying to find stuff. We get up to the check out line and low and behold the electric goes out for no reason. It is an absolutely gorgeous day not a cloud in site and of course no back up generator either. Wally World???? Of all places no back up. They yell that it will be another 3 hours until they can get it back up. They tell us we can leave our carts and they will put everything away. It was like a concert just let out. A mass exodus out of the store and then of course all the traffic lights were out too. It was a mess. My hubby got so mad. I am trying to learn to shrug things off that are beyond my control. So we came home and I had to drive another 20 minutes the opposite way to go grocery shopping again by myself because he was too mad. We needed food so I had to go. My in laws came over to check out the furnace last evening so we had a good visit.

I must get going it is bedtime and I need to get my kids to bed and get some sleep tomorrow to work at my friend's shop and then my DD has a choir concert tomorrow night.


  1. I have gone grocery shopping twice in one day and I hated every second of it.

    The leaves have changed here, too. They are beautiful. Love your pics!

  2. I would have been a little ticked. All that time wasted....and then to have to go again! UGH!

    The leaves are so pretty. I enjoy everyone posting them since the leaves don't really change here.

    Have fun at the concert!!

  3. Mary, it is beautiful where you live!! And Wal-Mart not having a backup-what is up with that?? I almost always leave that place on edge.

  4. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics. Girl, I know exactly how you feel about the grocery shopping thing. That happened last year to us and my DH was the same way. He just wanted me to take him home and go back out.And of course all stores have to be 20 min. away.Well,I'm glad you made it thru. have a blessed day!

  5. Holy cow! I have been in our walmart and LOCKED IN when the power went out! They are so afraid of shoplifting that they don't let anyone out. Thank goodness it was only for a few minutes or I would have totally freaked out!

  6. I love those corn stalks stacked like that. Beautiful. Oh, and the changing leaves!!
    Grocery shopping twice in one day, miserable. I am glad your day ended better.

  7. I went to Costco yesterday then to Wally World both for grocery shopping. I so dislike shopping that it's not even funny. So many of my neighbors have the grocery store deliver their food that they order online. I'm too cheap and to picky to do that! That looks like a long road you live on Mary but boy are the trees starting to look beautiful-Thanks for sharing!


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