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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thrifting Finds...

I know I missed Fat Friday again, but I was working and Thursday I went to my friend's shop to make sure I knew what I was doing. She asked me to run the shop on Tuesday since she is going to a trade show. She will be looking for me a shelf/cupboard for one of my walls amongst other things of course. I am so excited!!!! This is one of the things I'm working towards in her shop. LOL.

Well, I have not been thrifting in awhile to try to save money. But since my favorite thrift store is along the way to my friends shop and it opens an hour earlier I headed out. It was Thursday so all the good stuff was put out on Monday. I did manage to find some things...

More stencils for my floor cloths or walls...

Thought I would try some stitcheries and all of you seem to use hoops so I bought a couple. I know most people don't like the metal ones because of rust, but I do because they seem to hold tighter.

Last but not least I found this hand quilted wall hanging. Yes it's a bit bright, but I think I'll use it in my upstairs hallway which is dark. I just love it!!!! Get this $1.00 yes you heard me a BUCK!!!!! Couldn't pass it up.

Remember that empty cement pad I showed you. Well, it finally came yesterday. My new outdoor wood furnace. This is what will heat my house this winter and hopefully help save us a ton of money! You load it up twice a day with wood and voila heat. It actually heats up water that will run under ground in pipes into my home then into my existing furnace that has an exchanger on it that will change that hot water into heat. We are also hooking it into our hot water tank so I will have a better supply of hot water. After all I do have a teenager that likes to take long showers. Can you tell the trees in the background still haven't tarted to change yet.

If you want more info check here. There are laws in many cities against these, but since we live in the country we can have it. I love the smell of burning wood. I'll let you know how well it works when it really starts to get cold. Hubby is working on getting it hooked up today.

Hopefully I'll have another post for you on Monday if all goes good. LOL.


  1. Hi Mary!

    I so wanted to get one of these last yr. They are illegal here! We got a wood/coal add on furnace instead which will heat like an outdoor one, loading it twice a day! I know how excited you are because I am the same way, cant wait to get it sparked up!!!!

  2. Good morning Mary...that is so interesting, the furnace/heater/ appliance...I have never seen anything like that.
    Also..your ornies turned out soooo great. I love them. What a great job you did making them. You got some fun deals at the thrift store, it is always sooo fun to find great things. Well I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. That wood burning furnace is going to pay off this winter, that's for sure! Katy form The Country Blossom Blog got one too! Can't wait to hear how you like it this winter.

    And some more great deals thrifting again! I can't believe you found those stencils! And that quilt will look great with some prim magic! Have a great weekend!

  4. I love that wall hanging and great stencils to.
    Can't wait to hear how that heating system works! Beth

  5. Love your thrift finds...maybe you could tea stain the wallhanging if it is too bright.
    We love our outdoor woodburner...saves lots of money! Dianntha

  6. You found great things thrifting and you didn't break the bank:)

    Keep us informed on the wood furnace this winter...I keep meaning to show DH but keep forgetting.

  7. I love that we have those around here too and the corn burners too!Thanks for your very nice sweet comments and support during the past weeks time; I have been responding to comments through email but I am not sure if that is working; LOL: But your comments did not go unnoticed; thank you; and what a hero you are to go and help folks so far away; it really takes a selfless person to do that; we forget that there are good people like you out there; why can't the news be about the good folks like you? Thanks for everything

  8. There are very strct rules around here and I for one am relieved. Wood smoke can be a terribel thing for lungs and my asthma can't take it. I never need my rescue inhaler unless I am around wood smoke. When the neighbors use their out door fire pit, I end up wheezing and sick. I love the smell too - it just doesn't love me!!

  9. What a great little quilt! Your furnace looks exactly like the one my parents got. Good luck!

    We save quite a bit of money by heating with the wood. Like you, we live in the country, and there aren't any laws....yet. We heard a room that they're going to out-law them in 2 years. I'm hoping that they'll have a grandfather clause and we'll be able to have ours in before then.

  10. you are going to love the stove. my sister has one. it is able to heat their house, hot water tank and garage. their stove also has a water faucet on the side that you can get water ffrom. its really pretty cool.
    i think they are great because hers can burn green wood, coal ( slag) , corn or just about anything.
    i wish i would have known you needed some hoops. i just sent a few to to the thrift store. i had way too many and most were really big!
    the stencils are way cool!! i can see you using them on a floor cloth or on the walls. they look very colonial. :)

    i have my neices here ( 6 and 7). geez, i dont envy their mom.......

  11. I can't wait to see how your wood furnace works out! Be sure and keep us posted! We do have to be careful though with wood because everybody ends up with sinus infections!

    I'm going to try doing a stitchery too...I'm not great with needle and thread, so this should be interesting! lol!

    Have a great weekend, Mary!

  12. Great finds, and the stove looks way cozy. Maybe you could tea-dye the little quilt to tone it down, though it looks great as is!

  13. What great finds you lucky rascal! Love the wall hanging just like it is!

  14. That quilt was a FAB find!!! Lucky you! I haven't thrifted in so long--but luckilly the withdrawl pains have stopped. ;)
    That heater looks like it can pump out the heat. Can't wait to hear how well it works. I hope it saves you tons of money!

  15. Cute lil heater ;)
    Great finds out thrifting!!
    Hope you stay cozy and warm this winter!!

  16. Mary, I never thought about using the nuts for anything like that. We've just been mowing them and throwing them into the field. When I went out yesterday morning the ground was COVERED. They are nasty, stinky little things. Let me see if I can get some hulled, and Ill send ya some:)

  17. You found some great deals. I love the stencils! Someday, I would love to learn to make floor cloths. I've seen some placemats done the same way and I like those too!
    You've got a great wood heater there too! We know someone who has one and loves it!
    Hugs~ Birgit

  18. Nice finds! And so glad that your wood heater is finally there. I will be interested in hearing how well it works and how much money y'all are saving! Anything to help the cost of living is wonderful.

  19. You had some great finds! Love the wall hanging.

  20. Hi Mary, I love the smell of wood burning too. I've never seen an outdoor furnace, what a neat idea. A good friend of ours heats his home but with a wood stove and has it connected to the duct work in his house. Our neighbor also heats with a wood stove.
    I love the quilted wall hanging you found. What a steal.
    Have a great day! :)

  21. Hope you'll be snuggly and warm all winter. Great find with the little quilt. If you want to prim it, you could rit dye it with tan liquid rit dye. It works wonders. Have a great day. Julie

  22. Great finds Mary! I like the metal holders too, i have found they to hold tighter.
    Interesting way to heat!

  23. Mary, Your stove!!! I LOVE it! Can I ask where you bought it. We have a good indoor wood stove, but I want to heat the water for our swimming pool from May to October, I'm convinced this can be done. We have solar, and it helps a LOT, but on our cloudy Oregon days, a wood heater would work wonderful! Karen


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