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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Me

Today is my 11th anniversary. I obviously will not be celebrating. I have still been out filling out applications at several places and have one interview Wednesday though the hours may not work for my kids. I have several other places to go as I told a co worker of mine from another EMS department what happened and my plight spread like wild fire. I have had several people texting me with places to look for jobs. These people know me in the county from EMS from all of my networking and classes that I teach. I also need tires for my car and went to a local place for prices we got to talking and he is also a firefighter from a neighboring dept so he gave me a discount on my tires. It is amazing how fast God works. I also went and got my "happy pills" at the doctor yesterday. I have lost about 5 lbs so far according to his scale. I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 6:30 this am. The best sleep I've had. Guess I won't be taking those during the day. LOL. I felt drugged.

I went and worked at my friends shop for her Christmas open house yesterday. It was a little difficult for me as my SIL, MIL, and aunt in law came in. None of us know what to say to each other. (Tiff you know how I feel.. Mom if you are reading this you guys did nothing wrong we can still talk and do things after all you are still grandma and the kids still want to see you but it is up to you.) But I got to watch people buying my items, but never said a word. Remember my Canadian Goose it sold while I was there to a lady whose husband is dying of cancer and he loved the outdoors and woods. I had not sign it, but the lady asked me if I would after my friend Kim told her I made it. Then another lady saw it and now she wants me to make one for her also. No one bought the little crocks I made (they just don't have good taste I guess LOL), but it was only the first day of open house. I came home and my parents called to ask me and the kids to dinner. My son decided to go to my sisters to spend the night so my DD and I went. Today I have nothing planned, but to do some laundry and work on my stocking swap I have for Scoti of Red Cinnamon Prims.


  1. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and hoping the right job, with benefits and the right hours, comes your way. many hugs, Linda

    PS good to see a little bit of humor in there- those crocks will sell - the right person with good taste just hasn't shown up yet.

  2. Hi~ I am so happy that you live in what seems to be a wonderful community---you are bound to find a job that is perfect for you and your children. I will for sure keep you all in my prayers.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and you are in my prayers. I loved that goose! ~Beth~

  4. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Praying the right job comes your way and it all works out. You should sign your pieces, after all you are an artist. Remember we are all here for you and support you. Janie

  5. the crocks are going to sell....... ya know, maybe i need a canadian goose to add to my collection?? :)
    those crocks are so cute!! maybe add a sign that says they would be great gift card holders ? or as small gift holders?

    mary, check caree builders .com. there are some jobs you might be interested in for paramedics. one of them is american response out of akron

  6. Mary, I'm glad you decided to keep blogging. We are all here for you. I emailed you the other day.. did you get that email? I hadn't heard back from you- so I'm wondering if you got it. Let me know-
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Justina

  7. Hi, I just took a minute to check in and I'm so glad to see you sharing your journey here on this blog. You, though I'm sure you may not be thinking in these terms, are going to help and bless others with your journey. I am believing God that this is a journey that will be a victorious one for you.
    Still praying continually for strength, peace, wisdom, and comfort for you and your family.
    Good thoughts for you,'

  8. I am so glad to hear that you slept a whole night, even if it was a 'drugged' sleep:) Take whatever you can get.
    Despite all of the awful things going on in your life right now, does it not make your heart sing when your friends and family, and the people in your town gather around you with such a show of support? It really makes such a tough time easier to endure?

    Your are still in my thoughts and prayers every single day, I know that somehow things will turn out the 'way' that God has meant them to for you.

    Wooly hugs,


  9. Mary I am so glad to hear you are surrounded by a wonderful community, just know we are here anytime you need us! So glad some of your creations are selling!! You do such great work! Take care! Wendy

  10. Mary, it sounds like your community of friends is surrounding you and I'm so glad to hear that! You are on my mind a lot these days, and I will have a tiny package in the mail for you on Monday morning. So glad your CANADIAN goose sold... it was a beauty!
    Watch for blessings today! Take care, Kimberly

  11. Mary, your little crocks will sell, they are so cute. Happy about the goose for you, too. I will continue to pray for you & your family. Take care.


  12. I'm so glad you got some much needed rest Mary! I love that you are keeping your wonderful sense of humor. I adored the story about the Canadian Goose. How very special that you were there to see this and sign your work. We will keep praying but I see that God is already working away over there-He loves you so~♥

  13. Thinking of you and praying for you at this time. Just a small piece of advise...although the tendency is to "close in" when you are going through stress and depressed...from someone who knows...DON'T. Blog when you can (it can be theripeutic and it looks like you have lots of friends here that care!). Reach out to anyone reaching out to you. Don't let go. Carolee

  14. I wish you joy and peace as you journey for a job....may it be the perfect fit for you and your children. Dianntha

  15. It sounds like you have great friends around you that are helping out! I'm so glad! I pray you find a job that will be a perfect schedule for you and the kids!

    I'm sure last night's rest was needed and that's why it worked so well!

    I'm glad your creations are selling!

    Thanks for letting us hear from you!


  16. I'm so glad you are keeping us informed on how you are doing.I am still keeping you in my prayers.Love ya girl!!

  17. Hey Mary,
    I just got caught up here. Wow, I am so sorry to hear this news. I will pray that God will help bring you back together as he desires for all married couples to be and if not, that you will make it through this. I know you can Mary. I am having a giveaway at my blog, come sign up if you want.
    Love you,

  18. Awww, Mary. What crapping timing your hubby has. I'm so sorry. I know it's still a tough time for you but you sound a little better and things sound to be going a tad bit better. I hope the meds work and you find a job. You are a good person and people know that and they'll help you.

    Lots and lots of hugs!


  19. Bless your heart, I know that today had ot be tough for you and the kids.
    I'm glad that your community and friends are looking out for you and trying to help you find work. Your prim hand-dids are awesome, so I believe they will also help you earn extra cash.
    Hang in there, and know that many of us are keeping you and your family covered in prayer.

  20. Hope all will work out in the best for you.
    My heart is aching for you.
    Nov 5 is my wedding anniversary.
    I have fought depression for years with no medication. Probably 25 years. Finalyy told my doctor and since I am an RN
    I asked for Lexapro 20 mg
    qd. I have been on this med for 3 years. With great results and no weight
    gain. The med does not make you happy happy.
    It does allow me to function. And not sit and say to myself I am so depressed I just want to cry. And I am so hopeless.
    For me Lexapro takes away
    all those feelings.
    Took about 2 weeks for me for the med to work.
    Thoughts and prayers are comming your way.
    Pam Wooster OH

  21. Still praying for a miraculous change for you Mary. Hope you can continue to get rest, weariness makes it much worse. I'm sure it's hard for the inlaws, makes it awkward for all of you. Your sense of humor is great! Keep looking UP!! Karen

  22. Mary~
    Gotta love those "Happy Pills"
    I call mine "Crazy Pills"
    It is good to see that you have your sense of humor back. That is a good sign!
    You are in my prayers. You will get through this. You are a strong lady...even though it makes you sore to bench more than the!

    ps. Humor will get you a long way =)


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