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Monday, November 3, 2008

It is Very Easy to Point Fingers

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers, but please keep him in your prayers also. It took two to get to this point and I am not faultless by any means. It just came as a huge shock as I didn't even see it coming. He is still here in the meantime until we do a little more talking. Maybe we just need a little time away from each other to sort things out and try to make it work. I am hoping this is the plan, but the final decision has not been made.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I just found your blog this afternoon.

  2. I was so shocked to come here and read your last two posts...I am sorry to hear this...I will keep your whole family in my prayers!

  3. Oh, Mary, I have just read your last post and am so so sorry. You were one of the first blogs I began reading when I started this journey. I will be praying for you and your family. Please, somehow update us on how you are.

  4. Mary, I didn't mean to exclude your husband from my prayers. I will pray for your whole family.


  5. Absolutely your whole family is a part of this and is in all our thoughts and prayers!

    I think I can for speak for many of us bloggers when I say that once things are calmer in your life, we hope you find yourself in a place where you still are able to share with us. I've learned through blogging that it's a great community full of wonderful listeners!

    We love you and want what's best for your whole family, however that looks!

    Blessings, Kimberly

  6. Mary, I am so sorry I didn't see your post yesterday. I can't imagine how you feel right now. Your husband must be going through something and I'm sure he will need you to help him sort it all out. Don't give up hope, but if in the end things don't turn out the way you want know that you are strong and will be fine. I hope you know that I am your friend and you can always count on me to talk to. Best wishes, Ann

  7. Mary,

    My heart goes out to all of you, what a sad time it is. What I know of you from your blogging is that you are strong, resiliant, and you will get over this!

    One thing though Mary, don't stop blogging!! For me, with my MS acting so crazy, the kind comments and encouragement that I get from all of my blogging friends (you included) have boosted me up so many times, I cant even begin to tell you how much it has helped me. After I have a little blog rant, I feel so much better.

    I have been in your shoes, and I do know that things will be difficult for awhile, but keep posting, cause we are all here for you.

    Wooly hugs,

  8. Mary,
    I have been away from here for a week and have been so busy with other things and I sign in here and yours is the first I go to visit..
    I have been in your shoes before and I know the pain,the loneliness,the emptiness and the helplessness you are feeling.You will be in my prayers along with your husband and your children.I know there is nothing that any of us can say but we all want you to know that we are here and we Love you!
    "I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight." (Isaiah 42:16)

  9. I am so sorry..we were just becoming friends. Please know that we are here for you. I do pray that things work themselves out for you and for him...and the children too.
    Be blessed, Dianntha

  10. Mary, I will pray for your whole family in this time of need....Please just remember that you are such a wonderful woman..I idolize you sooo much....also remember if you love it let it go....if its true it will come back...{tear} heart is with you...we all are rootin for you both...the whole family...*hugs* Scoti

  11. I am including him in my prayers as well. Hang in there!

  12. mary, i was soooo glad to see your post!!!
    i have been in the same situation.. i know how you feel.
    i just don't want you to leave us. we need you!! i hope you need us. cause, chickie, we are all here for you!!
    you give us such joy, not only in your crafting but in your home and your job!! i would be proud if my daughters wanted to be like you!!!
    hugs, kim

  13. Trust that things move us in strange directions for a purpose - sometimes it isn't even our purpose but someone else's.

  14. Mary:

    I was so glad to see your post this morning. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and visiting the places you have gone.
    I, too, had an issues many years ago with my husband and left for a year. We continued to talk and try to work things (I have faults too) and eventually we did get back together. I do feel that perhaps the fact that we married at 20 played into our growing apart a bit during that time. We are very happy together, and we both realize that we need to be supportive to each other even when it's not what we want. I have been married for 32 years, and I am not afraid to say that we both work hard at making it work. Prayers for you and your family. Sometimes it's good to re-evaluate and step back. I hope that this may be the case for you and your hubby. In the end, you have to do what is best for everyone involved and sometimes that is very hard to face. Draw strength from your family and friends (even those you don't know personally). Sometimes you will need a place to vent to neutral individuals ... your blog can be that place. Hugs,Grace

  15. Of course, you ALL are in my prayers today and I will pray each time the Lord brings you to mind and check back often.

  16. My husband and I went through something like this 8 years ago...(nobody would have ever guessed seeing us now) I am happy to report our marriage is stronger then mosts marriages now. I tell you this just to give you hope because you might not be feeling it at this moment. It did take us both really giving our marriage,ourselves and our children to the Lord~ It was the best thing we have ever did in our lives.
    You ALL are in my prayers.

  17. Oh, Mary... I was so saddened to read about what's going on with you and your husband. My prayers will be with you and I hope that one day we'll see you back around these parts again...

  18. Mary, I am so sorry to hear of your trouble. I will keep you in my prayers. The hubby and I seperated once for over a month (his choice......and like you said it was sudden and a shock). We filed for divorce.......then just as sudden he changed his mind and wanted to reconcile.......and we are still married years later. He never said what changed his mind. I sure hope things work out and if that don't it was not God's will for them to. Blessings,

  19. Oh, Mary, I just now clicked over to your blog as I've not been about to do much blog reading lately! My heart just sank and I was so saddened for you. But please know that I will keep you, your husband, and your entire family in my prayers.

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

    I hope you can still continue to blog because I sure would miss you! Hang in there!


  20. Oh, Mary! What a big person it takes to admit that it's not just one person's fault! So many people can not do that. I know it took my friend awhile to realize where she was at fault in her marriage crumbling. She wanted to fix it but it was too late.

    Maybe it's not too late. I will tell you that five years ago, my hubby, who wasn't my hubby at he time sat in the corner in a chair in my living room and told me he no longer wanted to be with me. I was devastated as he told me that he hadn't been happy for nearly a year and was ready to leave now. His mind was made up! Jer did stay with his Dad for about three weeks but ended up really spending most of his time here. We talked a lot and gave it another shot. Within a few months, we were expecting Aften and nearly a year after the "break-up" we were married and things have never been better. I remember being totally shocked by the news but in time, after Jer explained how he was feeling, I realized I had not been a great spouse for awhile. I changed those things.

    Many, many, many hugs to you!


  21. Sending prayers to you and your family. Please keep us updated as I love reading your blog and your just so inspirational.

  22. Mary,
    I just wanted to see how you were today and send you a little note to let you know I'm thinking of you and your family. I hope things are a little better for you & your husband. Sending hugs to you!
    You will both continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers!

  23. Mary, i dont know what the issues
    are, but i pray things can be worked through. My husband and I also went through something like this years ago, but today nothing could tear us apart! Your family are in my prayers. We bloggers are here for you. HUGS!


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