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Monday, November 3, 2008

It Is With A Heavy Heart

I will no longer be blogging as of today. My husband has decided it would be best to leave me and his kids. So I must now pick up the pieces and figure out where to go from here. It has been a huge blessing to have met each and every single one of you and I appreciate each and every comment I have received. You all have been my best friends that I never had. Thank you to each and every one of you. I will miss you very much.


  1. Oh Mary,

    I am so so sorry! You will be in my thoughts and prayer as you move forward. Many hugs, Linda

  2. I am so sorry Mary about this. I will be keeping you and kids in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see you in blog world in the future....Sending many hugs to you.

  3. I don't have a blog, but I love to look daily at all the prim blogs. I will be praying for your family. I pray you find strength to walk thru this. God Bless.

  4. I'm just so, so sorry. Sending a hug and a prayer your way.

  5. So sorry to hear about your news. I will miss you, and so will everyone else... Prayers and hugs to you and your children. I hope that we see you around here again...You are an inspiration -you know... :0( Justina

  6. Many hugs to you and your kids Mary! You are in my thoughts and my prayers. You truly are an INSPIRATION!


  7. I'm so very sorry Mary.I will be praying for you and your kids. I sure will miss visiting your blog. I hope to see you back here in blogland again one of these days.

  8. Oh Mary I am so very sorry! Will keep you and your family in my prayers. I don't have a blog , but enjoy reading yours. Big Hugs to you, Janie

  9. Mary~
    I am so sorry to hear this, you are such an AMAZING person and a fabulous mother, please know this. You have an amazing strength that you radiate! I will be keeping you and your kids in my thoughts and prayers! Blessings & hugs to you sweetie for a brighter day...Many hugs,

  10. Mary, I am so sorry to hear this. I too will be keeping you and your children in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe after the shock and surprise of all of this has settled you will again feel the need or want to share again with all your blog friends. You may need to vent and if you do please know that we are here for you. Hugs to you and your kids.

  11. You shouldn't go - you'll need us in the time to come! Maybe take a break - but I can't say goodbye....

  12. My prayers are with you.Please stay strong.Michelle

  13. Oh Mary, my prayers and thoughts will be with you as your life turns. I wish you God's peace and stregnth.
    Blessings, Kimberly

  14. mary, i know you need to step away from blogging and deal with this right now.. BUT please come back..... i know that you are reeling in sadness and heartache... i have been there and i know the feeling........ we are here to support you, to uplift you .......... please, please dont walk away from blogging all together......
    my email is
    smalltownprim(at) yahoo dot com
    you are one of my bestt friends.....

  15. I am so sorry Mary to hear such awful news...I will be thinking of you and your kids.

    I hope you will come back to blogging...I always loved checking out your blog on a daily basis. We have formed such a wonderful circle of friends. Everyone here is so supportive and wonderful!

    Hope to see you back after some time away. Right now be there for your kids but you will need someone also and know that your circle of friends here on blogland are always here for you :)


  16. I to am soooo sorry you are having to go thru this, I hope things work out for your family, we are right here if you need to vent!

  17. I'm so, so sorry about this Mary. I hope things work out for the best. We're all always here for you if you ever need anything *hugs*

  18. OH NO, Mary! I am so sorry!!!

    You will be in our thoughts and prayers, my dear, sweet friend....
    I will miss you more than you can realize!

    I am sending you a great big {{HUG}}. I wish I could give it to you in person.
    I will keep checking back to see if by chance you can post every now and then.

  19. ME again! I agre with others who say, if you ever want to and can, we are hear for you if you need us. Come back if and when it is right for you. We will welcome you with open arms in whatever new role you are in.

    Lots of hugs, Linda

  20. Honey..I just wanted to tell you from a woman who has been left with child before that you are strong and you will be has to throw some curve balls every now and then...i love you to pieces and if you need me I really am here. I love to pieces honey... HUGS!!!!

  21. Mary, my heart is breaking for you and your family, please know we are here for you any time you need us. God be with you and your kids my friend. Wendy

  22. Mary,
    I'm just sitting here in shock. I do not know a lot about your relationship with your hubby or anything so I don't know what you're are you totally floored or could you see it coming? I am so very sorry and I cannot imagine what you are going through right now.

    We're here for you and if you need to just talk and vent, go right ahead. I'm sure there are others here that have been in your shoes that can support you and offer some advice if you still want to continue blogging....

    Lots and lots of hugs!


  23. Mary, so sorry that you are having to go through this! Just know that there are many of us out here who are thinking of you and praying for you and your family.

  24. OMG! I am so very sorry to hear this! I am sending you a big hug and will be praying for you and your children. Please know that if you eer need to talk to someone, we are here for you.
    Maybe in time, you will feel like coming back. I stopped blogging last year, when my Mama got so sick. And now my Daddy is terminal. But having this blog and visiting with all of you has been so good for me. I am hoping that you will be able to do that too eventually.
    During this sad & difficult time, you need to know that there are many who love and care for you. Let us give you support in any way we can.
    My email address is

    We are here for you!
    Take care!

  25. its me again.
    mary, if you dont stay in touch with us i will drive to orrville............
    we need you!!!!
    you are such an inspiration!!

  26. Ahhhh Mary,
    You sound so like me about 14 years ago, the only thing I can say is God doesn't close one door without opening another...don't look at the closed one keep you eye on the other door:) I know it's hard right now to feel that way but looking back I can see where God worked his wonders in my life.

    I'll keep you still listed on my fav list because I know some day you will be back! I'll miss you alot because you always made me smile and laugh.
    Hugs Rondell

  27. There is no good time for something like this to happen...but how selfish of him to throw this at you and the kids before the holidays! At the same time, I have a feeling you will more than make up for his shortcomings, and once the shock is over and you adjust to your new life, you will again find a happiness you never knew. I will keep you and your children in my prayers. Come blog and vent anytime..I have you on my favorites and thinking the deep friendships you have come to know here, will help sustain the bad times ahead as well as the good. May god bless and sustain you in the weeks and months ahead. ((cindy))

  28. Mary, My heart is aching for you and I will keep you in my prayers along with your kids.
    With Love

  29. Mary, I am so sorry to hear this. You and your children are in my prayers. We will miss you and I hope you can work through everything and come back to blogging in the future. I wish you the best.


  30. Oh Mary, I am so sorry to hear about this. You and your family are in my thought and prayers. I know that I have not been here long, but I will certainly miss you! I wish you all the best and hope that the best resolution for you and your children will be reached quickly. God bless you all! <3Lauren

  31. Oh Mary...please don't go. We are all here for you and will by your rock when you need us. I am so sorry that he's putting you through all this. I'll be saying prayers for you girlfriend.


  32. Mary.I am so so sorry for you right now i will keep you and the kids in my prayers, and wish you all the best,like everyone says we will all miss you,do not give up hope all though you will be feeling so low just now thats the last thing you will be thinking. Hopefully we here from you soon and if i know you i am sure this will make you a stronger person.Everyone wishes you well.Take care~Kate

  33. WHAT?!?!? We will miss you. Please come back as often as you can to vent anytime you want. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  34. Mary....I'm sooo sorry...I will also keep you and your children in my prayers.

    I will keep you in my favorites also...will be looking for you to pop in sometime.

    Many, many blessings my friend.


  35. Mary I know you won't have time for blogging since it is an 'extra' in life. But keep in mind, you have built relationships and friendships with many women who could be a real strength and support to you during this time. It is awful what you 'know' you are facing, especially this time of year. But keep in mind, prayers of a good friend are a necessity...we all have an unusual bond through blogging but it is one of strength not silliness. Don't give up, and always remember we will pray, don't back away from what you know is right! I think you should keep your blog, you might need some encouraging words in the days ahead.
    Bless you, and I will pray...

  36. Mary, lots of hugs and lots of's all I've got to offer. I will miss your blog. I will miss you. ~Beth~

  37. Dearest Mary, I feel I have come to know you as a friend, from my daily visit to your wonderful blog.
    What a talented and inspiring person you are, my thoughts and prayers are with you...
    I hope you can work things out together.
    {{ Hugs }}

  38. Mary, I was very saddened to do my almost daily visit to your blog and hear of the heartache you're experiencing. I will be praying for you, that the Lord will lift you up and carry you through this. I pray for restoration and healing in your marriage and a change of heart for your husband. These are hard enough days we're in, which probably doesn't help the situation any. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Keep looking up, I know it's hard. Lord bless you, Karen

  39. Mary,
    You are in my prayers...I will pray for your marriage, your husband, you and your kids.
    God Bless You Mary,

  40. Oh Mary, I am so sorry that you're hurting right now. I'll be praying for both you and your husband as well as your children.

    Don't hesitate to reach out if you feel you need the support.


  41. Mary,

    I am so sorry to hear this, if you wish to talk please send me an email, I will be here to support you.

    God Bless and stay strong!



Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.