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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good News All Around

I apologize for my few and far between posts, but as with everyone else I have been extremely busy with both the holidays and otherwise.

I have lots of good news to share. First, I was offered a full time job on Tuesday with the private ambulance company. I was offered more money than I thought and I also get to teach. I LOVE to teach. Anyway, Mon- Fri. 8a-6p no holidays or weekends. Next, I was off teaching last Saturday and the head instructor lives in the same town I do and we got to talking. He knew about my situation before as I tried to get a job where he worked. He was like you need to join the fire department here in town. Now this is where I'm still not sure I want to. I would be the only female in amongst a bunch of men who think women have no right to be in the fire service. Plus I would have to leave my kids alone while I was out on calls in the middle of the night. That does not thrill me. So like I said I haven't decided yet, but still plan to stay and work occasionally where I do now when the kids are not with me.

Next I found THE place. Girls it is awesome!!!! It is a 3 bedroom 1 full and 2 half baths, living room, dining room, eat in kitchen, basement, garage, newer carpet, and clean 1200 sq ft duplex. I LOVE it. The landlord is awesome. After we got to talking it came out that they knew my sister and BIL from church and live right down the street from them. I heard about this place from my neighbor's Mom who is a mail lady and knew someone had just moved out. Then my neighbor the plumber had worked on the place last year and gave me the phone number to call. I called went and saw the place and fell in love. It is in a nice neighborhood and below my budgeted price. I will take pictures when I can. I have already emptied out my attic which you will see pics of. I am packing up my sewing and painting stuff as I can move in January 1st.

This is my garage. The landlord says I can move stuff in the garage and basement before the 1st because they are redoing the bath room and it isn't quite ready yet. So I moved everything to the garage until this weekend. No laughing this is all decorating stuff!!!!! I got rid of a few things too. My neighbor the plumber came and picked out a few pictures, a shelf, and bird houses for his house that were from my more country days. He asked me if I had any other "crafty" stuff I would give him. Mind you he is 29 and a bachelor asking for "crafty" stuff. LOL. I told him I'd have to look. He has everything hung on his walls already. LOL. He is too funny.

OK ladies remember that guy who asked me for coffee awhile back? Well, he text me back this week and I think it is going to happen. He will be calling me tomorrow night. We have been texting back and forth all day for the last two days. So I will keep you posted. If you don't remember he's the one that is divorced with the daughter. Before you ask (hanging my head smiling slyly) he is younger than me. LOL. I swore I would never go younger nor see another firefighter. But guess what yep he is both. He is only a volunteer firefighter so I consider that ok. LOL. He also has a full time job and two other part time jobs. He is my in at Lowe's shhh anyone need anything. We call him "Tiny" yeah doesn't quite fit him. He is a huge guy. To see him he looks intimidating bald head, fu man chu mustache, over six foot tall and probably 280. But he is a gentle giant with a huge heart. No I don't have pics give me time. LOL.

The bad news is I started urinating blood again on Sunday. I went to the doctors again yesterday and didn't have enough blood in my urine for another scope, so once again it is wait and watch and go back when I have more blood. He just shook his head and said we'll find it. I just told him I liked to be difficult and he said your doing a good job of that. LOL. They sent my urine off for testing because it still had red blood cells in it. But I know everything will work out.


  1. Well I sure hope they figure out what is going on with you. I'm sure it is frustating and scary for you. As always, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    On a much lighter note, your post was a breath of fresh air. So nice to hear all these wonderful things going on in your life...a job, a new home and possibly a new friend. LOL Here's to a wonderful future ahead.

  2. I am soooo happy for you :)
    Everything is looking up and just right before Christmas. Someone is watching over you.

    Keep us posted!


  3. Mary I am so glad things are working out for you.
    Since I first started reading your blog you
    have ben in my thoughts
    and prayers.
    Does the ambulance co
    start with the letter S ?
    If it does that is a good one.
    The RN from Wooster

  4. Mary, I'm so happy that things are working out so well for you. It sounds like a wonderful job. Can't wait to hear about your date. I really hope the docs can figure out the blood in your urine. Take care.


  5. Girl i knew you would bounce back with force! I am so happy things are looking up for you, starting fresh, new job, new home, new friend! WTG Mary!! I hope they can figure this blood thing out soon! HUGS!

  6. Hope they soon can figure out the blood issue.

    Well glad to hear all the wonderful news. I am so happy for you. Merry Christmas, janie

  7. Mary! I am so happy for you! Everything is gonna be fine, just you wait and see! ~Beth~

  8. Glad that most things are looking up for you. Once you get that blood-in-urine thing licked (umm..rephrase that)...problem solved, you will be golden.

  9. Mary~ Things are looking up eh? That's great! Glad your hanging in there, and hope your health is ok. I'd love to come to your "garage sale" He he
    have a Blessed Christmas~ Justina



  11. mary, i am so glad that things are looking up for you!!! yippee!!!!

    hey, are you having a premoving yard sale?? maybe some of us bloggers will come for a visit. :)

    are they sure there is no kidney stones? an inflamed cyst in your urethra? reaction to meds( even OTC meds)?

    i am glad that you are chatting with guy friends. dont be getting yourself tied up in a whirlwind romance. you are on the rebound and we would never hear from you..... you are killing us with your craft withdrawl already. lol

    i vote for the 8-6 job and no already know that is like a dream job to anyone in the healthcare business. teaching is what you want to do... so do it. ;) could you fill in or work parttime at the other job if you wanted?

    post soon, we want lots of info on the new place!

  12. So glad that things are working out so much better for you--except your health. I'm sure it would be a relief if they could find something or anything....

    Oh, I mailed something to you about 2-3 weeks ago--I hope it didn't get lost in the mail. I will be sad--hope you're having a great day. Julie

  13. Mary,
    I still hope they figure out what's up with need to see Dr. House! LOL

    Other than that, things sound like they're going VERY well. I could sense your excitement in your post and I'm so happy for you! I hope everything goes as planned and you get your new start going soon. I think you need it and you'll be so much happier!

    Take care and if you don't post again before Christmas have a Merry Christmas with your family :)


  14. Gosh, Mary. I sure hope the doctor can find out what's going on with you. Just take care of yourself, okay????
    Great news with the new place. I am sure you will have it feeling homey and prim in no time! I can't wait to see the pictures! :):):)

  15. Oh Mary - sounds like things are finally looking up for you - new place, new job, new guy - that's a lot to take in!!!! I know it will be good news from the doctor as well!!!
    You know we're all here thinking about you - yea we want pictures ASAP!!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  16. I'm so happy for you that things are looking up :) Also to have a new place to decorate and make new memories. Glad too that you met someone special... just go

    Pop back in to let us know how you are doing and how you decorated you new place!

  17. Thanks for updating all of us. I just feel joy in your post and I'm praising God for His provision in your life. About the health problem, nothing is too big for Him and I'm sure He's on it! Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family. Tina

  18. Praise God! He is so good! I am so happy to read all of this wonderful news, except the part about bloody urine. I pray that it also gets taken care of!
    Hang in there and know that we are celebrating right along with you!
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  19. I am so happy to hear that things are looking up for you. I can't wait to see pictures of your new house and if you have any prim decor., you want to get rid of shoot me an email. I am moving too and surely have more rooms to decorate than before.

    I am glad to also hear that you might have found that someone special even if just a very nice friend, we all deserve good things in life and you do too! :)

    Anywho, write me if you want, I am interested to know how your doing all the time.

  20. I am sooo glad things are going well for you! Congarts on the job and new home!!!

  21. Wow Mary...God is good!
    Sounds like things are going really well over there -I am sooooo happy for you. It looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you moving but it will all work out. Gives you a chance to go thru everything and clean things out! (I need to do this myself!)
    Hey Mary, Did your doctor check your gallbladder? I ask because my dad was had blood in his urine and it was from gallstones though his gallbladder NEVER hurt!
    I will keep you in my prayers but I am thrilled you are moving on and doing so well!
    Big hugs,

  22. Sounds like things are looking up for you and your kiddo's. I'm so happy for you and hope that God will bless you greatly this year.
    What awesome new that you finally found "the Place" to hand your prims! LOL!
    I do hope you find out about what's ailing you. I'll be praying for you.
    Hugs & blessings to you and your kids this Christmas.

  23. so glad things are looking brighter for you! You have been through some trying times- Good things for 2009!!!

    Have a peaceful Christmas.


  24. Mary,
    I am very excited about the new job, the new home, and the new man! YIPPEE! I think a fresh start will do you good!
    I hope the tests come back okay and I will continue praying for you!

  25. Mary, I am so glad that things are looking up for you. Congratulations on the new job and I'm go glad that you found a nice place to live and decorate with all you cute stuff. I wished you lived here in Utah, My uncle is renting a place that would be perfect for you :) Good luck with your gentle giant, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.


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