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Monday, December 29, 2008

Updates Galore!!!

I am hoping all of you had a Merry Christmas. Mine was very busy, but good. The kids had a great time as well.

Well, the move is complete. I am in my new place. Pictures will not be coming for awhile as it is a mess. I am trying to find places for everything. Holy Cow!!!! I have lots of stuff!!! LOL. My garage is packed full and my basement is too. Yes say it I am a pack rat!!! Speaking of rats my daughter saw a mouse in the garage and is totally freaked out. So now I must get some traps and catch that darn thing before it gets in the house. I'll just have someone else empty the trap if I catch it. My son loves the new place, which is a relief. My DD's best friend only lives a couple of houses up and came and spent the night with us our first night there. My family was great in helping me move and we got it done in 2 days. Never again will I move!!!! UGGGHHH!!!!

OK I know you're all dying to hear about the guy. OK well the gentle giant as I call him got together Friday night to watch a movie, but ended up talking the entire time. It was very nice. He was a perfect gentleman. Remember I've known him for about 4-5 years so yes I went to his home. Don't worry I don't always do that. LOL. Now I actually had a date with another guy last night. Boy was I nervous!!! We were to meet at 5pm but he called and said he had gotten food poisoning the night before and felt really bad and wanted to move it to 7pm. I asked if he wanted to postpone, but he said no. So we met for coffee at Starbuck's. We had never met before or talked other than online or by cell phone texting. Yes I met him online before you ask. LOL. We were to meet outside Target because Starbuck's is in side. He told me he had a red car so I got there first and waited in my car in the parking lot. I figured I'd scope him out first before I got out of the car so if I had to I could run. LOL. He gets out he seems to be normal so I get out and say his name. HOLY MOLEY GIRLS!!!!! He was a cutey!!!!! He is a bit older than me, but we have so much in common. OK he's not so much into primitive, heck he didn't know what I was talking about when I said I was a folk artist. LOL. He is more modern cutting edge so we'll see. He is a professional photographer and you should see his website. His pictures are awesome! Then we walked around Target and looked at the Christmas sale stuff. We decided it was to soon to say good bye so we went to Applebee's had an appetizer and drinks. By 9:30 we were saying good bye and left and decided we wanted to go out again SOON. We may be going out New Years Eve, we'll see.

Now you know what has been going on this past week and a half. I'll keep you updated.


  1. Oh Girl~ I'm glad you had great Holidays, and everything is going well. It's nice to hear you LOL again! Many of us worried about you. Especially when you first posted: I am done blogging. Have a great date{s} and enjoy yourself.. you deserve it. Happy New Year to you. Ps. did you get the card I sent you awhile back?

  2. Ps... we LOVE messes, so show us pics anyway.

  3. Wahoo girl! I am so looking forward to see what 2009 brings for you!! I see great things!!

  4. Yay for you Mary! So many good things on the horizon...
    Hugs, Kimberly

  5. Good for you, Mary! I'm so glad you had a good Christmas & that you are all moved. I can't even imagine having to pack up my stuff ~ yikes! May your 2009 be better than 2008 and bring you many wonderful things.


  6. Glad to hear you had a good holiday. And it's nice to hear you aren't just sitting around feeling sorry. You Go girl.

  7. It all sounds good Mary! I'm glad you are on the way back up! Good things for you in 2009, girl! I can't wait to see how you fix up your new place, you have such style, I know it will be nice! Hugs! ~Beth~

  8. Good for you Mary...I'm so happy for you! 2009 seems to be your year♥

  9. I hoping for good things for you in 2009!

  10. I am so glad to see you posted Mary. I was wondering about you.
    I hope things go well for you in your new home.
    I am sure you miss your
    house but time to begin
    anew for you! My family was up from WV on the Sat after the Christmas nd we took them to Lehmans out
    in Kidron.
    Susan from Wooster

  11. You go girl! I am so happy for you, you sound great in your post!
    Cant wait to see your new home!

  12. Happy to hear that your holiday went well and that you're all moved in and everything. Good luck with all of the unpacking, settling in and dating :)


  13. Glad to hear you sound chipper, Mary!! I am off to read your other posts now.
    Happy New Year!!

  14. you go girl; glad to see it is all working out for you;

  15. Wow girl, you have been busy:) Congrats on the new job, and the new men...good things do happen to good people.

    I hope that 2009 is one of your best years yet.

    Wooly hugs,


  16. Mary:

    You go girl!!!! Here's to a fantabulous 2009 for you and your kids!!! Post pictures of your place soon!!

    Take care


  17. hi there mary....i just wanted to pop in and wish you a happy new years and to say i really enjoy keeping up with you and your kids and i also enjoy seeing what you are up to each are handling everything great and it looks like you have lots to look forward to...enjoy 2009...

  18. Mary,

    I've been away awhile and I sure was happy to come over here and see you doing so well! I'm SO happy for you! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family THE BEST in 2009. I pray you will be blessed!


  19. Great News, Mary! I am so happy that you found the perfect place! I can hardly wait to see photos! And that you had a wonderful Christmas, and that you are out and about!!! 2009? It is going to be the BEST year for you!!! Happy New Years!!!

  20. Hi Mary! So glad that you've moved into your new place. I just know you'll have make it a lovely place to be before you know it!

    Wishing you and your dear children a year of happiness,

  21. You needed a good holiday - send pic of the new place - we've seen mess before - daily!

  22. So glad you found a perfect place, and that things are going so well for you, take care!


  23. Glad you got moved and are getting settled! Let us know how things are going!

  24. Hi MAry! I just wanted you to know you were missed! lots of hugs, Linda

  25. Whooo Hoooo Mary....can't wait to hear more about the cutie patootie! And can't wait to pictures!


  26. Whew hoo Girl! I have been MIA for awhile and wanted to check in on ya! How is everything? Let us know how you are. Have a blessed day!

  27. Just stopping in to say hi and I miss you. I hope all is well! hugs, Linda


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