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Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Bi Monthly Post

Alright I know I promised pictures, but I have them on my storage device that my daughter has been using and at the minute I can't find it. I am going to try to post them. Yeah I know I've said it before. Maybe one day. I especially want to post a picture of one thing in particular that a very sweet lady made me and sent me before I moved in December. It was so awesome and I have never thanked her and feel very bad about it.

So on to the saga of what is now my life. I work, eat and sleep. I got news yesterday that my hours are going to be cut, but I will still be full time. So instead of at least 50 hours a week I will be down to 45 plus any overtime. I worked 72 hours alone last week. This leaves absolutely no time to do anything with my crafts. I am going into withdrawal too. Though I decided I need to make curtains for my kitchen. Now I just need to remember where I put my fabric in the mess in my garage. LOL.

I can't talk much about the pending dissolution or divorce right now. All I can say is no papers have been filed, but will be very soon.

My social life is not very much, but I have met a very nice tall, dark, and handsome man who I have been spending time with and so have my kids. LOL. I met him New Years Eve and a mutual friend's get together. I knew of him before, but never really talked to him. We have only been out by ourselves 3 times all the other times my kids go with us. He has never been married and has no kids, but treats mine so well and even babysits for me when I work late. He is making me dinner tonight since he has a grill and I don't. LOL. He is a member of the Apostolic church around here, which does not allow him to "date" someone who is not of his faith nor am I allowed to meet his parents. I am baptist and his Mother said that it would be OK if he found a nice Baptist girl since he did not feel that there were any girls in the church he was interested in. LOL. She does not know about me, but his sister does. So I am kind of in a hard spot especially to because I have kids and will be divorced. So it is hard to say what will happen. Oh and his parents are straight from Yugoslavia so they are a little more strict than most. He is used to his Mother's Serbian cooking and when he went with me to the grocery store last night he kept asking if I knew how to make certain things and I just looked at him like he was crazy. So then I threw out a couple things like hush puppies. He just stared at me like I was crazy. LOL. So this should be really fun trying all kinds of new foods.

That's about it for now. When my daughter gets home tomorrow I will see where she put my stuff and try to get on here and post pictures.


  1. Hi Mary,

    It was so good to see a post from you! You sound so upbeat and like you're doing well. You better take care of yourself though! I know it must be hard wanting to craft and do some of the fun stuff, but you better get the sleep you need because your kids need ya! :)

    Thanks for the update and keep us posted on the tall dark handsome Yugoslavian man!

    Have a great Saturday!


  2. I'm thrilled to see a post from you. Sounds like life is marching on and you are boldly marching with it. Continued blessings. T

  3. Mary, Glad to hear from you. It's been a lon glong time! LOL Life will take you in many directions
    :0) Glad to hear the kids are ok and you too! Much Love~ justina

  4. mary, its good to see you post. we get worried about you.
    if he is serious, he needs to talk to his family. :)
    i wish you well in the pending proceedings. my sister is going through it right now and having a tough time.
    we miss your pics, your crafting, your inspiration. :) come back soon, bimonthly is not enough.

  5. Boy is it good to hear from you girl! I am glad all is well. I hope you have lots of fun with the tall, dark and handsome guy and I hope he treats you well!! Keep us posted! You were missed!

    hugs, Linda


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