My Pages

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Long Awaited Photos

Alright I was ready to put my pictures on here when I went back and looked they were really outdated so I will have to retake them and get them on here. But hey for your viewing pleasure this is me on Valentine's Day. My friend took me and my daughter out to dinner and he brought me some yummy chocolate too. I had other plans to take my kids out, but my son's Dad had other plans and mine had to be cancelled. So my friend said I'll be there to pick you both up in a couple hours. We had a great time, but I really wanted to spend it with both my kids. I had been planning it for a week and told my son and everything and he seemed so excited, but again my plans got changed.

Since no pictures I will tell you a bit more about my friend. He has never raised his voice to me or my kids. He is very laid back (unlike me) LOL. He is well aware of my situation and mistakes I made in the past. He would rather talk to me than watch television. Weird I know. LOL. He was doing work for my parents at their house and before he left he went and sat down with my Dad and talked with him for awhile. My Dad had just had foot surgery and had been cooped up in the house, he said he felt bad for my Dad. My Mom has invited him to meet them for dinner with me. Friday night he went with to get groceries and never complained or yelled at me for the way I loaded the cart or unloaded the cart like I was before. He even took me to Coldstone Creamery and shared a huge ice cream waffle cup with me and let me choose the flavor. By the way if you have one around you it is awesome ice cream this was the first time I ever went. I made him pecan pie and Rice Krispie treats yesterday and he told me it was better than his Mom's. True or not I'm not sure. LOL. He gave me two pieces out of the entire pie to bring home and he kept the rest. Did I fail to mention he loves his sweets and his Dad used to own a bakery. LOL. He also made me steak and asparagus on the grill last night. The asparagus had olive oil and Serbian spices on it and it was delicious as I'd never had asparagus before because no one in my house would eat it. He said he's going to take me to a Serbian grocery store to educate me and buy stuff for me to try. I am so excited. Ok no more boring you with useless information.LOL

Oh and my health... well I am still dealing with the blood in my urine and have had many procedures (cystoscopies) and another CT scan on Saturday. Let's hope something is found. The good news is my deductible has been met. LOL. And I'm still on HIS insurance. haha


  1. Mary~You must be feeling great emotionally again...I can tell because you are blogging again. And it is so nice to have you back!
    He sounds like a great guy!
    And, by the way, your Valentine photo is gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hey Mary, it was nice to put a lovely face to go with the posts! Thanks for sharing! So glad things are going well for you and that you like asparagus!
    Take care, Kimberly

  3. Oooo la la you're looking good!!! Sounds like your guy is a keeper. Glad to "see" you again!

  4. Mary you look Magnificent! Justina

  5. mary, you look so beautiful!!
    i looked at your older pic and now this new one. i know you are happy. i know you are making a life for yourself that is going to be a good one.
    don't you sometimes look at your ex and think, "i was with HIM?"" i know i used to all the time. lol whew, we are lucky. cause life is good without them. :)
    i love asparagus on the grill... yum!!!

  6. Mary,

    Hmmm..I just tried leaving a comment and it didn't show another one may show up somewhere along the way.

    You sure don't look sleep look great and happy too! Your friend sounds like a nice guy!

    Great to have you back blogging again!


  7. Well hi Mary! Glad to see you post again. We sure have had the downpour of rain here! I have not been to Coldstone for a while. But I did make it
    in to Pat Catans. I love that store.
    Hope all continues to go well for you.
    Susan in Wooster OH

  8. You cut your hair! I like it. Good to see you around again.

  9. Mary,
    It's so nice to hear from you! I have been thinking about you :)

    Sounds like things are going pretty well...besides your health issue, which I hope they find an answer to very very soon!

    As I was reading your post about the new friend...I noticed something. Your husband was very controlling, wasn't he? Most of what you were saying was about how he lets you be yourself and doesn't yell at you. Yes, that's the way it SHOULD be. :) Wishing you the best of luck!~

    Have a great day!


  10. Hey Mary! So nice to see you posting again! What a cute pic of you! Sounds like you have met a really nice guy.
    Wishing you the best! And looking forward to seeing your pics, when you get a chance.
    Have a great week!

  11. Hi Mary ~ I'm soooo glad you're back! I missed your posts. You look wonderful...and it sounds like your guy is treating you right..that's great!

    Can't wait to see the pics!


  12. So glad to hear from you.I am happy things are looking bright and sunny.Michelle

  13. I am so glad to see you posting, I have really missed you. Glad to hear things are looking up and you have met someone even if just for friendship (wink). You look wonderful by the way.

  14. I have missed you~
    So happy your back Mary~

  15. Mary, you look Fabulous!! Sounds like things are going well...good for you!!

  16. Hi Mary,
    Sounds like you are doing really great and I'm so happy for you:)

    I'll be checking back to see the pics and to read another post of yours. We all sure do miss you!

  17. Mary!!! You look so beautiful!!! I am so glad to hear about your friend! Life is just going to get better and better!

  18. Mary,
    How good it is to see you blogging again! Your Man sounds yummy, and I am so sorry to hear that you are still having blood in your urine. My gosh, you would think that they could have found a reason by now.

    Wooly hugs,


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