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Friday, March 20, 2009

A Quick Update

I thought I would let you know that I did have my CT done of my flank and pelvis done a week ago and once again nothing. So in my urologists suggestion I will be seeing a nephrologist (kidney specialist) next week. Hopefully I will be able to get some answers. My original appointment was in May because they were booked then all off a sudden after I called the urologist to let them know I get a phone call that it has been moved up to next week.

I will also be signing some papers that needed to be drawn up by my attorney next week also. Let's just say I have only received $300 since November from my soon to be ex to help with expenses. My attorney and I are fed up with the feet dragging.

I will work on pictures this weekend because my kids will be with their Dad's and my friend is doing a side job on Saturday. It is also suppose to be sunny so I can get a picture of the front of the duplex. Now if only I could find my Spring stuff in my garage. LOL. I have no idea where it is in the mess. Hmmm... maybe I had better rearrange my garage too. LOL. Wow I just keep making more work for myself!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. Mary,
    I"m sorry that you still don't have any answers! How annoying for you! I hope the new doctor finds the answer. I actually see a nephrologist for my hypertension. I love him! He's a great guy :)

    I'm also sorry to hear about your ex being such a jerk. That kind of stuff really angers me. I don't understand why people feel the need to be so spiteful towards their children! Hope that gets straightened out!

    Can't wait to see some pictures! I miss your posts!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Have a great weekend, Mary. I hope your tests find something SOON!! Julie

  3. I really do hope and pray they find some answers for you soon! Have a great weekend and I hope you find your spring stuff! Can't wait to see your photos!


  4. How frustrating to still not have any answers AND to not be getting any help from the soon-to-be-ex! I'm glad they were able to get you in would think that symptoms like your's would be a higher priority.

    Can't wait to see the pictures.

  5. Oh Mary ~ I hope they find some answers soon. Unbelievable that you haven't gotten more money than that...jeesh. Can't wait to see them pics girlfriend!


  6. Hey mary!
    I am keeping you in my prayers! And I cant wait to see your spring decorations! have a blessed day!

  7. You look great! So sorry to hear that you still have no answers...I hope you will know what's going on soon.
    Thinking of you,

  8. Hey girl! So good to hear from you! I hope you get both answers to your bleeding and some long overdue checks. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

    hugs, Linda

  9. Hey Mary!
    Nice to hear from you! Sorry I am late seeing this, but I want you to know that I am praying for you to finally get some answers to your medical problems. And also a cure!
    Looking forward to seeing your pics, whenever you have time to post them.
    You take care of yourself!

  10. I am sorry to hear the ex is giving you the run around, bought time to take him to legally get child support and alimony. I do hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Hey Mary!!
    Sorry to hear about your ex. My dad was like that too. Not wanting to support the children he helped make. Anyway...Love that photo of you in your previous post. You are sooo BEAUTIFUL!! Hope everything goes well with your friend, he sounds very nice.


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