First a set of benches I bought last year and never did anything to them.
After "primming" LOL

I am so bad about not taking before pictures. This was an old beat up table, but I love the shape of it and know where it will go. I just got the first coat of paint and sanded yesterday. I still need to stain and wax.

Next an ongoing project for several weekends now. This was the other item Steve bought at the antique store. We decided to try to strip it. HINT:We have been using oven cleaner to strip it outside in the sun. It's still not done obviously. It has been sitting so therefore things have been piled on it and around it. I am so easily distracted from a project that takes a long time. LOL.

Last but not least my prim friends. Fear not.... The secret weapon in any prim home has come out of the back of the dusty cupboards...

Yes yes coffee/cinnamon stain will be used once again. All you need is a little fabric that has been sewn, yes sewn, on my machine that has not been used since December. Will I tell you what it is... NO!!!! LOL not yet stay tuned. I rummaged through my fabric stash to find just the right one to make THIS.

FYI... my schedule will change at work and I will only be working 3 days a week 9am until midnight. What does this mean for you???? I will be sewing once again and crafting!!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!! Oh wait this could be a bad thing too LOL.