This post is short and sweet. I'm pooped and have to be to work by 5:30am tomorrow so I need to get some things done.
I keep saying I'm working on my quilt. Well, that's all I've been working on. LOL. I have the top done and pinned to the batting and backing. Now comes the part I think I'm gonna hate. QUILTING!!!! You have to understand I have a very short attention span and jump from project to project. Sometimes I give up on them if they take to long to finish. But I'm hoping to finish this one by next fall. LOL. Seriously, it will take me awhile.
So here you go my first quilt... By the way can you tell I had to piece the green border. If so don't say it out loud LOL. I think it looks pretty good.

Yesterday I decided I needed to find fabric for my Christmas swap partner and send it out. Think I'll be able to find it in this mess? LOL. All those blue tubs have fabric in them. Hmmm.... what to choose... LOL. Hey Kim I sent yours out yesterday.

I got a package in the mail from
Kim for my Christmas swap today after work. Isn't this fabric fabulous??? Though my camera has the coloring off a little. It's more of a brown. Oh the wheels are just turning Kim!!!!! This is the last time you will see this until the Christmas swap is complete.

Christmas swap ladies your fabric should be sent out by now. If someone does not receive their fabric by Saturday please email me right away.
#2 What I'm thankful for...
I'm thankful I have a full time job with health benefits that fell into my lap after my ex-hubby left. They may have cut my hours, but I know that if one of us gets sick we can go to the doctor.