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Monday, January 18, 2010

Goodwill Goodness

I have a confession to make. My New Year's resolution was to not go to the thrift store more than once a month. Well, I broke it. Really did you think the junk (oh wait treasure queen) could do without. I do blame it on my son though. He was really bored on Saturday so I asked him if he wanted to go. He likes to go and look too though he moves a little quicker than I do through the store. I also joined Char's swap so I needed to start looking for my items to redo. We went to one of my favorite stores in the next town over and I picked up these goodies...

They ranged from $.35 to $.50 a piece. I got two more that I'll show you in a minute.

I LOVE the big chunky heavy hoops when I stitch. This baby was $1.00.

And my favorite... not quite real redware, but close enough for me $1.50.

I also was eyeing something else, but didn't buy. I knew I would love it if I redid it. I just couldn't decide whether I should buy it. I thought about it all weekend and after talking with Steve I decided. I can't tell you what it is because I went back today and it was still there and it was meant to be. I bought it for $5.25. I want to wait to show you until I redo it. We also went to the Goodwill on Saturday, but they had absolutely nothing. I also went to another Goodwill today and found two things, but until I decide if I will be giving these to my swap partner I am not going to show them. LOL

Now on to the other two candles I bought... I used the old left over candle wax from a yummy cranberry candle. I used the tin can double broiler method melted it down brushed it on the candles then rolled it in coffee grounds and a mixture of cinnamon and cloves.

They are a baby blue and orange. I know it's hard to tell.

I can laugh at myself here... I just saw the dust on the black wrought iron... LOLOLOL Here they are all redone.

This is a side note on the house. Yes my name is still on the mortgage because I gave him one year to refinance and get my name off of it. This was part of the divorce negotiations. The only thing he (and his girlfriend) wanted was the house. Yes they sent me text messages on my phone saying those exact words. Of course that was fine with me because all I wanted was my kids. Little did I know at the time the divorce was finalized he had already stopped paying. Live and learn. He did ask the mortgage company for a payment modification and is waiting to hear an answer. Until then I risk wage garnishment and telephone calls for collection.


  1. Loving the grunge candles. I found some in my craft cabinet last night that I set aside to grunge soon. I'm sure yours smell delicious!

    At least your ex is working with the mortgage co. That's great news, hopefully it'll all be settled soon for you!

    Have a delightful day~

  2. Love the candles! Didn't notice the dust until you mentioned it and I had to look...;)
    The GW store is hard to stay out of. I went today but found nothing. I sure wish people would clean out their closets! haha!!
    Sorry about the house business. I hope there is something that can be done to save you from that misery.

  3. Girl I love those candles! So you just melted the candle wax, brushed it on & rolled it in cinnamon...I am going to have to try this method!
    I sure do hope that things are settled on your old house ASAP! Hopefully your ex will get things straightened out!

  4. Cool Goodwill finds. Mary have you been to the Thrift store here
    in Wooster that is behind our
    Rite Aid? College Hills Shopping

    Wooster OH

  5. I love them candles!...and I am a thrift-aholic too!...hehehehehehe

  6. Great candles! Hope the house situation gets worked out soon. Sending prayers your way!!!

  7. Loved your candles i am going to try this with some of mine.As far as the house stuff with the ex try to keep chin up and remember no matter what happens you got the most priceless thing of all your children.Keep you in my thoughts and good luck with your New Year resolution ha ha ha

  8. I love grunging candles. You got some good prices on those. It's hard to stay outta the TS's. My hubby asked me oh soooo nicely to please NOT bring anything else home till I finish up and do something with what I've got. BUT do ya' think I listened ? Heck nooooo I got hidy places lol.
    Hopefully the mortgage co. will work a deal with your ex and you can get your name removed asap.
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  9. Great finds& you did a wonderful job with those candles. I pray the house situation comes out for the best!

  10. The candles look good. I hope everything works out on the house. Seems the harder we try sometimes the worse it gets but we have to keep going.



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