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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Goodwill Reveal

Remember when I told you in my last post I had bought something at the thrift store for $5.25 after much debate? It was the item that was still there after the weekend that I thought about it. Well, it is done thanks to Steve. I really wanted to do it, but he was excited and wanted to see it done.

So... the before

Nice bright and shiny gold...ewwwwwwww

So Steve tried to straighten out the arms so that it sat straight on the table and ended up breaking one of the welds. I was mad and walked out of the room. Uh hello please be a little more careful with my high dollar items here. LOL. Anyway, he fiddled around with it and got out some JB Weld (or something like that) that is a liquid weld and smeared it on to fix the arm. It had to sit for 24 hours before anything could be done. While I was at work the next day he sanded up the light to prepare for paint. Out to the garage it went for painting... The next day after work he stopped at the prim store here in town in search of new light bulbs which he bought. He hung my light and decided the bulbs were to dim for the dining room. So back in the bright bulbs went.

So the reveal... tada... I still need to darken the white plastic sleeves or find new candle looking ones to complete it. But I love this more "colonial" look for the dining room.

Other than that not much going on except Steve and I have decided to be "in a relationship" as they call it on Facebook LOL. And yes I'm on Facebook if you wanna be my friend email me and we'll get hooked up. It feels corny calling someone your boyfriend again. LOL. Unfortunately, though what I thought would happen is happening on the new fire department I'm on. I am being scouted out by the men on the department. I've had two ask me out. I thought I made it clear that I was there doing a job not looking for a husband or boyfriend. Uggghhh... I told Steve though what is happening and he seems OK because I told him I never wanted to date another public service person again. Anyway, I need to get going and get something done today since I work tomorrow again.


  1. OMG! What are people thinking donating great items like that? Good thing that they can not see the potential like we can...or we would have to pay high dollar for these great items!
    It turned out wonder and colonial prim!
    If you don't want to spend the money on new sleeves...use hot glue to make a drip pattern on the plain ones. Prim, paint and stain them. I did mine and I saved gobs of cash and they look great!
    Have a warm weekend! I too am on Facebook...I'll lool you up!

  2. Hi Mary, I had one exactly like yours. We removed it when we changed the light fixtures after our moving, but I had mine waiting for a makeover. I think that your looks great and now I have an idea how mine will look. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, wow... Very nice. I hate when I spend so much time thinking "should I have bought that?"haha. Glad you found your treasure!!!

  4. Absolutely fabulous! You have a great handy man there ar your side! I am on Facebook too. Would love to be your friend.
    Blessings~Kim Gullett

  5. LOVE, LOVE your new colonial light!! You and Steve did a wonderful job!!
    Congrats on the "In a relationship" it's always nice to have someone you can share your life with. I'm very happy for you and Steve.
    The Prim Patch

  6. Oh my I love your light! It looks just like the ones you see in a prim magazine! Ok so now I've got to get started on mine...thanks for the inspriation!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. It looks great! I'm glad that he was able to fix his mistake. ;-)

    I JUST got a chandelier exactly as this one (in it's previous condition) for FREE from someone on CraigsList. I am sooo excited to redo mine, too!

    Love what you've done with yours! =-)

  8. Great makeover!! Doesn't it feel good to reuse and recycle? I looks fantastic!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  9. I'm going to need to hit the Goodwill with a new set of eyes this weekend!! What a great job you did on the chandelier!!

    Ravens Gate Primitives

  10. Oh what some black paint can do! Looks great!
    I've been thinking of joining face book myself, but then I may never leave my computer....I have work I should be doing right now, but decided I needed a blogger and coffee break...;)

  11. Wow, Mary, that light turned out fabulous!
    I did notice the relationship status thingy on facebook. I smile at where you are in life. God Bless You dear.

  12. Hi Mary! I am loving your light makeover, that is beautiful!! Have you ever heard of Factory Direct Craft? They usually advertise in Country Sampler. I don't know if these prices are high or not because I've never priced candle socket covers, but check them out.

    Sounds like you got you a good man! So sweet everything he did for you!

    Have a delightful day~

  13. loving the light..... heck, i love your whole place!!!
    mary , pleaseconsider sending some pics to country sampler....... i think it would be a good one!!! i wish they would do more apartments, duplexes and trailers.

    consider all those guys asking you out to be flies drawn to honey. :)
    you are such a sweet person i can see you being asked out alot!!!

    okay, what is the benefits of 'in a relationship"?? we want to know. tee hee
    as far as we are concerned we already knew he was the "one".
    off to see if i can find you on facebook. :)

  14. Oh I SOOOOOOOOO love the are very creative...ahhhh maybe that should be *you and Steve* are very creative :>)!! I like the sounds of "relationship" sounds more mature for some reason! Have a great weekend!

  15. Wonderful, as usual!
    I love, love, love it!:)
    (and I also love that youre "in a relationship"!)

  16. Your chandelier looks great!! I just recently re-finished 2 chandeliers and I love how they give the room a totally new look. Primtastic!! I just love the fact that people are donating them and we are finding them (lol). I just recently bought some neat candle sleeves at a lighting store, but you might wanna check Lowe's or Home Depot. Once you get those replaced with the more prim ones then you will totally love the look. Enjoy your new light.


    P.S. I am on Facebook too : )

  17. Mary, your chandelier looks terrific! That man of yours Steve, well he seems pretty wonderful fixing your light for you. He sounds like a keeper. Good luck with the "relationship"!!

  18. Mary love the chandelier. I soooo wanna run into one of these !!! I'll be scouting lol. Congrats on the "relationship" Steve sounds like a keeper. Hope you had a wonderful day and your tomorrow is even better !
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  19. boy,i'm gonna have to start hitting the goodwill.what a wonderful find. lucky you!

  20. Your chandlelier came out beautiful. It looks like you bought it at a prim shop. I can't believe what a great job you did.
    I am a follower now. I love your blog.
    I hope you stop by mine.
    Hillcrest Home Prims


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