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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A New Creation and Flea Market Find

This past weekend was my Saturday to work and for my kids to be with their Dad. I don't get much done over these weekends except laundry and cleaning now and again. Well it happened that here in my neck of Ohio it sorta warmed up... ok upper 40s and it was raining. We were actually in a flood watch. Steve looks at me on Sunday (my day to get things done) and says what do you want to do today? He says wanna go to the flea market and antique shop? Now how can I turn that down girls? Well sure let's go. I only found one thing to purchase. Of course I found a lot I wanted, but most of it I can't afford. LOL. I will show you what I did buy later. We then went to Bishop's. For those who read my blog near Wayne County you know Bishop's. They have the BEST onion rings. It is just a little place on the outskirts of town on State Rt 30 & State Rt 57. Yummy!!!!! I always digress for food. LOL. Anyway, we decided it was to cold and rainy to go anywhere else. So back to my home we went.

As I sat on my duff for most of the rest of my day I decided I was bored. Out to the garage I went to look through my scraps of wood. Whenever Steve makes me stuff he keeps the scrap because you never know when you might reuse it. Ho hum... boards the right length for signs. No... that's not what I wanna make. Hmmm.... my upstairs hallway needs some pizazz. I got nothin on the walls except for a lantern on my candle shelf my daughter keeps knocking off on to the floor. What to make what to make... a table will stick out to far. She knocks stuff off of shelves. (I know you are asking yourself how does anyone knock stuff off of walls?) Well, my kid is not really awake in the mornings and sometimes at night she isn't watching and walks to close to walls. She continually knocks their school pictures off the stair wall. So I must be very careful what I put there. Hmmmm.... what's this??? This just might work... (my car was actually washed and waxed the night before by a guy at work woohoo!!!!)

With a little Steve magic (ok his tools and strength) notice I didn't say his idea??? This was my idea (alright I confess the back boards were his idea so we can hang it) and my paint magic... LOL

See what it is yet???? Yep you guessed it a linen rack... Now this is not the true color... It is black with a dry rubbed bamboo on it. It is more of a green/tan. I'm still deciding whether or not to rub stain on it or not.

Now I just need to hang it tonight after I decide about the stain.

The only thing I bought at the flea market was this little pewter pitcher. You all know I am a sucker for pewter. I would really like to find a few more plates, but I haven't seen any for a long time. This little baby was $2.00. It is peeling and there is a dent, but I don't care it looks used and that's what I want.

Now off to get a few things done like start on my swap. I have some ideas, but just haven't started yet. Grrrr... hmmmm what will she like. ;-) Blue maybe??? Many of you know who I'm talking about. If not skip on over to Char's and find out. Otherwise I need to make some phone calls and schedule some appointments then meeting Steve for lunch.


  1. Your linen rack looks great can't wait to see how you display it be sure to show us.Love your little pewter pitcher I have just a couple of pieces would like to find more.Glad to know my house isn't the only house where things get knocked off the walls.My grandson Skyler whom I have raised is 21yrs old and if it isn't him knocking something down it is one of his friends or my beloved kitties which I now have 4 of.So I just set what ever gets knocked back up and sometimes I have to add a little glue to it lol.

  2. I love pewter too!!!...and what would ever make you think I like the color blue?!....hehehehehehehe...could it be my blue mondays?...or all the blue items that I makeover?

  3. You are so clever to come up with that rack out of scraps Mary!!

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't think your pitcher is pewter. Pewter doesn't peel as it is solid through. Please don't shoot the messenger!!

  4. Those onion rings at Bishops!
    Best ever. Taste like there is
    cornmeal in the coating. They use to be here in the city of Wooster.


  5. I love the linen rack, and can't wait to see it once you get it in place and decorated.


  6. How clever of you to come up with that linen rack. I love it!! That's a cute little pitcher too.
    Blessings to you~ Birgit

  7. Your linen rack is so cute! And the pitcher is full of charm, what a deal!

  8. You have the best ideas! Love the linen rack! Thanks for sharing it all with us!!


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